chayleaf 4f650b2091 router: small port 25 changes
technically this is relevant for security since it blocks requests to
port 25 over ipv6 from clients other than the server, but it doesn't
matter on my network because i don't have ipv6
2023-08-13 16:40:21 +07:00

875 lines
40 KiB

{ config
, pkgs
, notnft
, lib
, router-lib
, server-config
, ... }:
cfg = config.router-settings;
hapdConfig = {
inherit (cfg) country_code wpa_passphrase;
he_su_beamformer = true;
he_su_beamformee = true;
he_mu_beamformer = true;
he_spr_sr_control = 3;
he_default_pe_duration = 4;
he_rts_threshold = 1023;
he_mu_edca_qos_info_param_count = 0;
he_mu_edca_qos_info_q_ack = 0;
he_mu_edca_qos_info_queue_request = 0;
he_mu_edca_qos_info_txop_request = 0;
he_mu_edca_ac_be_aifsn = 8;
he_mu_edca_ac_be_aci = 0;
he_mu_edca_ac_be_ecwmin = 9;
he_mu_edca_ac_be_ecwmax = 10;
he_mu_edca_ac_be_timer = 255;
he_mu_edca_ac_bk_aifsn = 15;
he_mu_edca_ac_bk_aci = 1;
he_mu_edca_ac_bk_ecwmin = 9;
he_mu_edca_ac_bk_ecwmax = 10;
he_mu_edca_ac_bk_timer = 255;
he_mu_edca_ac_vi_ecwmin = 5;
he_mu_edca_ac_vi_ecwmax = 7;
he_mu_edca_ac_vi_aifsn = 5;
he_mu_edca_ac_vi_aci = 2;
he_mu_edca_ac_vi_timer = 255;
he_mu_edca_ac_vo_aifsn = 5;
he_mu_edca_ac_vo_aci = 3;
he_mu_edca_ac_vo_ecwmin = 5;
he_mu_edca_ac_vo_ecwmax = 7;
he_mu_edca_ac_vo_timer = 255;
preamble = true;
country3 = "0x49"; # indoor
# routing tables
wan_table = 1;
# vpn table, assign an id but don't actually add a rule for it, so it is the default
vpn_table = 2;
vpn_mtu = config.networking.wireguard.interfaces.wg0.mtu;
vpn_ipv4_mss = vpn_mtu - 40;
vpn_ipv6_mss = vpn_mtu - 60;
dnatRuleMode = rule:
if rule.mode != "" then rule.mode
else if rule.target4.address or null == netAddresses.lan4 || rule.target6.address or null == netAddresses.lan6 then "rule"
else "mark";
dnatRuleProtos = rule:
inherit (notnft.inetProtos) tcp udp;
if rule.tcp && rule.udp then notnft.dsl.set [ tcp udp ]
else if rule.tcp then tcp
else if rule.udp then udp
else throw "Invalid rule: either tcp or udp must be set";
# nftables rules generator
# selfIp4/selfIp6 = block packets from these addresses
# extraInetEntries = stuff to add to inet table
# extraNetdevEntries = stuff to add to netdev table
# wans = external interfaces (internet)
# lans = internal interfaces (lan)
# netdevIngressWanRules = additional rules for ingress (netdev)
# inetInboundWanRules = additional rules for input from wan (inet)
# inetInboundLanRules = same for lan
# inetForwardRules = additional forward rules besides allow lan->wan forwarding
# inetSnatRules = snat rules (changing source address, usually just called nat)
# inetDnatRules = dnat rules (changing destination address, i.e. port forwarding)
# logPrefix = log prefix for drops
mkRules = {
extraInetEntries ? {},
extraNetdevEntries ? {},
netdevIngressWanRules ? [],
inetInboundWanRules ? [],
inetInboundLanRules ? [],
inetForwardRules ? [],
inetSnatRules ? [],
inetDnatRules ? [],
logPrefix ? "",
logIfWan = prefix: lib.optional (logPrefix == "wan") (notnft.dsl.log prefix);
in with notnft.dsl; with payload; ruleset {
filter = add table.netdev ({
ingress_common = add chain
([(is.eq (bit.and tcp.flags (f: bit.or f.fin f.syn)) (f: bit.or f.fin f.syn))] ++ logIfWan "${logPrefix}fin+syn drop " ++ [drop])
([(is.eq (bit.and tcp.flags (f: bit.or f.syn f.rst)) (f: bit.or f.syn f.rst))] ++ logIfWan "${logPrefix}syn+rst drop " ++ [drop])
[(is.eq (bit.and tcp.flags (f: with f; bit.or fin syn rst psh ack urg)) 0) (log "${logPrefix}null drop ") drop]
[(is tcp.flags (f: f.syn)) (is.eq tcpOpt.maxseg.size (range 0 500)) (log "${logPrefix}maxseg drop ") drop]
# reject requests with own saddr
# log if they are meant for us...
[(is.eq ip.saddr selfIp4) (is.eq (fib (f: with f; [ daddr iif ]) (f: f.type)) (f: f.local)) (log "${logPrefix}self4 ") drop]
[(is.eq ip6.saddr selfIp6) (is.eq (fib (f: with f; [ daddr iif ]) (f: f.type)) (f: f.local)) (log "${logPrefix}self6 ") drop]
# ...but ignore if they're multicast/broadcast
ingress_lan_common = add chain
# there are some issues with this, disable it for lan
# [(is.eq (fib (f: with f; [ saddr mark iif ]) (f: f.oif)) missing) (log "${logPrefix}oif missing ") drop]
[(jump "ingress_common")];
ingress_wan_common = add chain
[(jump "ingress_common")]
# [( (fib (f: with f; [ daddr iif ]) (f: f.type)) (f: set [ f.local f.broadcast f.multicast ])) (log "${logPrefix}non-{local,broadcast,multicast} ") drop]
# separate limits for echo-request and all other icmp types
[(is.eq ip.protocol (f: f.icmp)) (is.eq icmp.type (f: f.echo-request)) (limit { rate = 50; per = f: f.second; }) accept]
[(is.eq ip.protocol (f: f.icmp)) ( icmp.type (f: f.echo-request)) (limit { rate = 100; per = f: f.second; }) accept]
[(is.eq ip6.nexthdr (f: f.ipv6-icmp)) (is.eq icmpv6.type (f: f.echo-request)) (limit { rate = 50; per = f: f.second; }) accept]
[(is.eq ip6.nexthdr (f: f.ipv6-icmp)) ( icmpv6.type (f: f.echo-request)) (limit { rate = 100; per = f: f.second; }) accept]
# always accept destination unreachable, time-exceeded, parameter-problem, packet-too-big
[(is.eq ip.protocol (f: f.icmp)) (is.eq icmp.type (f: with f; set [ destination-unreachable time-exceeded parameter-problem ])) accept]
[(is.eq ip6.nexthdr (f: f.ipv6-icmp)) (is.eq icmpv6.type (f: with f; set [ destination-unreachable time-exceeded parameter-problem packet-too-big ])) accept]
# don't log echo-request drops
[(is.eq ip.protocol (f: f.icmp)) (is.eq icmp.type (f: f.echo-request)) drop]
[(is.eq ip6.nexthdr (f: f.ipv6-icmp)) (is.eq icmpv6.type (f: f.echo-request)) drop]
[(is.eq ip.protocol (f: f.icmp)) (log "${logPrefix}icmp flood ") drop]
[(is.eq ip6.nexthdr (f: f.ipv6-icmp)) (log "${logPrefix}icmp6 flood ") drop];
// extraNetdevEntries
// builtins.listToAttrs (map (name: {
name = "ingress_${name}";
value = add chain { type = f: f.filter; hook = f: f.ingress; dev = name; prio = -500; policy = f: f.accept; }
[(jump "ingress_lan_common")];
}) lans)
// builtins.listToAttrs (map (name: {
name = "ingress_${name}";
value = add chain { type = f: f.filter; hook = f: f.ingress; dev = name; prio = -500; policy = f: f.accept; }
[(jump "ingress_wan_common")];
}) wans));
global = add table { family = f: f.inet; } ({
inbound_wan_common = add chain
[(vmap ct.state { established = accept; related = accept; invalid = drop; })]
[(is ct.status (f: f.dnat)) accept]
([(is.eq (bit.and tcp.flags (f: f.syn)) 0) (is.eq ct.state (f:] ++ logIfWan "${logPrefix}new non-syn " ++ [drop])
# icmp: only accept ping requests
[(is.eq ip.protocol (f: f.icmp)) (is.eq icmp.type (f: f.echo-request)) accept]
# icmpv6: accept no-route info from link-local addresses
[(is.eq ip6.nexthdr (f: f.ipv6-icmp)) (is.eq ip6.saddr (cidr "fe80::/10")) (is.eq icmpv6.code (f:
(is.eq icmpv6.type (f: with f; set [ mld-listener-query mld-listener-report mld-listener-done mld2-listener-report ]))
# icmpv6: accept commonly useful stuff
[(is.eq ip6.nexthdr (f: f.ipv6-icmp)) (is.eq icmpv6.type (f: with f; set [ destination-unreachable time-exceeded echo-request echo-reply ])) accept]
# icmpv6: more common stuff
[(is.eq ip6.nexthdr (f: f.ipv6-icmp)) (is.eq icmpv6.code (f:
(is.eq icmpv6.type (f: with f; set [ packet-too-big parameter-problem ])) accept]
[(is.eq ip6.nexthdr (f: f.ipv6-icmp)) (is.eq icmpv6.code (f: f.admin-prohibited))
(is.eq icmpv6.type (f: with f; set [ parameter-problem ])) accept]
# trust the lan
inbound_lan_common = add chain
inbound = add chain { type = f: f.filter; hook = f: f.input; prio = f: f.filter; policy = f: f.drop; }
[(vmap meta.iifname ({
lo = accept;
// lib.genAttrs lans (_: jump "inbound_lan_common")
// lib.genAttrs wans (_: jump "inbound_wan_common")
#[(log "${logPrefix}inbound drop ")];
forward = add chain { type = f: f.filter; hook = f: f.forward; prio = f: f.filter; policy = f: f.drop; }
[(vmap ct.state { established = accept; related = accept; invalid = drop; })]
[(is ct.status (f: f.dnat)) accept]
# accept lan->wan fw
[(is.eq meta.iifname (set lans)) (is.eq meta.oifname (set wans)) accept]
# accept lan->lan fw
[(is.eq meta.iifname (set lans)) (is.eq meta.oifname (set lans)) accept]
# accept wan->lan icmpv6 forward
[(is.eq meta.iifname (set wans)) (is.eq icmpv6.type (f: with f; set [ destination-unreachable time-exceeded echo-request echo-reply ])) accept]
[(is.eq meta.iifname (set wans)) (is.eq icmpv6.code (f: (is.eq icmpv6.type (f: with f; set [ packet-too-big parameter-problem ])) accept]
[(is.eq meta.iifname (set wans)) (is.eq icmpv6.code (f: f.admin-prohibited)) (is.eq icmpv6.type (f: f.parameter-problem)) accept]
[(log "${logPrefix}forward drop ")];
postrouting = add chain { type = f: f.nat; hook = f: f.postrouting; prio = f: f.srcnat; policy = f: f.accept; }
# masquerade ipv6 because my isp doesn't provide it and my vpn gives a single ipv6
[(is.eq meta.protocol (f: set [ f.ip f.ip6 ])) (is.eq meta.iifname (set lans)) (is.eq meta.oifname (set wans)) masquerade]
prerouting = add chain { type = f: f.nat; hook = f: f.prerouting; prio = f: f.dstnat; policy = f: f.accept; }
} // extraInetEntries);
netAddressesWithPrefixLen = {
lan4 =;
lan6 = cfg.network6;
netns4 = cfg.netnsNet;
netns6 = cfg.netnsNet6;
# parse a.b.c.d/x into { address, prefixLength }
netParsedCidrs = builtins.mapAttrs (_: router-lib.parseCidr) netAddressesWithPrefixLen;
# generate network cidr from device address
# (normalizeCidr applies network mask to the address)
netCidrs = builtins.mapAttrs (_: v: router-lib.serializeCidr (router-lib.normalizeCidr v)) netParsedCidrs;
netAddresses = builtins.mapAttrs (_: v: v.address) netParsedCidrs // {
netnsWan4 = cfg.wanNetnsAddr;
netnsWan6 = cfg.wanNetnsAddr6;
parsedGatewayAddr4 = router-lib.parseIp4 netAddresses.lan4;
parsedGatewayAddr6 = router-lib.parseIp6 netAddresses.lan6;
addToIp' = ip: n: lib.init ip ++ [ (lib.last ip + n) ];
addToIp = ip: n: router-lib.serializeIp (addToIp' ip n);
# server
serverAddress4 = addToIp parsedGatewayAddr4 1;
serverAddress6 = addToIp parsedGatewayAddr6 1;
# robot vacuum
vacuumAddress4 = addToIp parsedGatewayAddr4 2;
vacuumAddress6 = addToIp parsedGatewayAddr6 2;
hosted-domains =
(k: v: [ k ] ++ v.serverAliases);
in {
imports = [ ./options.nix ./metrics.nix ];
system.stateVersion = "22.11";
boot.kernel.sysctl = {
"net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark" = true;
"net.ipv4.conf.default.src_valid_mark" = true;
"net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding" = true;
"net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding" = true;
services.openssh.enable = true;
services.fail2ban = {
enable = true;
ignoreIP = [ netCidrs.lan4 netCidrs.lan6 ];
maxretry = 10;
router-settings.dhcpReservations = [
{ ipAddress = serverAddress4;
macAddress = cfg.serverMac; }
{ ipAddress = vacuumAddress4;
macAddress = cfg.vacuumMac; }
router-settings.dhcp6Reservations = [
{ ipAddress = serverAddress6;
macAddress = cfg.serverMac; }
{ ipAddress = vacuumAddress6;
macAddress = cfg.vacuumMac; }
# dnat to server, take ports from its firewall config
router-settings.dnatRules = let
bannedPorts = [
631 9100 # printing
5353 # avahi
inherit (server-config.networking.firewall) allowedTCPPorts allowedTCPPortRanges allowedUDPPorts allowedUDPPortRanges;
tcpAndUdp = builtins.filter (x: !builtins.elem x bannedPorts && builtins.elem x allowedTCPPorts) allowedUDPPorts;
tcpOnly = builtins.filter (x: !builtins.elem x (bannedPorts ++ allowedUDPPorts)) allowedTCPPorts;
udpOnly = builtins.filter (x: !builtins.elem x (bannedPorts ++ allowedTCPPorts)) allowedUDPPorts;
rangesTcpAndUdp = builtins.filter (x: builtins.elem x allowedTCPPortRanges) allowedUDPPortRanges;
rangesTcpOnly = builtins.filter (x: !builtins.elem x allowedUDPPortRanges) allowedTCPPortRanges;
rangesUdpOnly = builtins.filter (x: !builtins.elem x allowedTCPPortRanges) allowedUDPPortRanges;
in lib.optional (tcpAndUdp != [ ]) {
port = notnft.dsl.set tcpAndUdp; tcp = true; udp = true;
target4.address = serverAddress4; target6.address = serverAddress6;
} ++ lib.optional (tcpOnly != [ ]) {
port = notnft.dsl.set tcpOnly; tcp = true; udp = false;
target4.address = serverAddress4; target6.address = serverAddress6;
} ++ lib.optional (udpOnly != [ ]) {
port = notnft.dsl.set udpOnly; tcp = false; udp = true;
target4.address = serverAddress4; target6.address = serverAddress6;
} ++ lib.flip map rangesTcpAndUdp (range: {
port = notnft.dsl.range range.from; tcp = true; udp = true;
target4.address = serverAddress4; target6.address = serverAddress6;
}) ++ lib.flip map rangesTcpOnly (range: {
port = notnft.dsl.range range.from; tcp = true; udp = false;
target4.address = serverAddress4; target6.address = serverAddress6;
}) ++ lib.flip map rangesUdpOnly (range: {
port = notnft.dsl.range range.from; tcp = false; udp = true;
target4.address = serverAddress4; target6.address = serverAddress6;
router.enable = true;
# 2.4g ap
router.interfaces.wlan0 = {
bridge = "br0";
hostapd.enable = true;
hostapd.settings = {
inherit (cfg) ssid;
hw_mode = "g";
channel = 3;
chanlist = [ 3 ];
supported_rates = [ 60 90 120 180 240 360 480 540 ];
basic_rates = [ 60 120 240 ];
ht_capab = "[LDPC][SHORT-GI-20][SHORT-GI-40][TX-STBC][RX-STBC1][MAX-AMSDU-7935]";
} // hapdConfig;
# 5g ap
router.interfaces.wlan1 = {
bridge = "br0";
hostapd.enable = true;
hostapd.settings = {
ssid = "${cfg.ssid}_5G";
ieee80211h = true;
hw_mode = "a";
channel = 60;
chanlist = [ 60 ];
tx_queue_data2_burst = 2;
ht_capab = "[HT40+][LDPC][SHORT-GI-20][SHORT-GI-40][TX-STBC][RX-STBC1][MAX-AMSDU-7935]";
vht_oper_chwidth = 1; # 80mhz ch width
vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx = 42;
} // hapdConfig;
# ethernet lan0-3
router.interfaces.lan0 = {
bridge = "br0";
systemdLink.linkConfig.MACAddressPolicy = "persistent";
router.interfaces.lan1 = {
bridge = "br0";
systemdLink.linkConfig.MACAddressPolicy = "persistent";
router.interfaces.lan2 = {
bridge = "br0";
systemdLink.linkConfig.MACAddressPolicy = "persistent";
router.interfaces.lan3 = {
bridge = "br0";
systemdLink.linkConfig.MACAddressPolicy = "persistent";
# sfp lan4
router.interfaces.lan4 = {
bridge = "br0";
systemdLink.linkConfig.MACAddressPolicy = "persistent";
# sfp lan5
router.interfaces.lan5 = {
bridge = "br0";
# i could try to figure out why this doesn't work... but i don't even have sfp to plug into this
systemdLink.matchConfig.OriginalName = "eth1";
systemdLink.linkConfig.MACAddressPolicy = "persistent";
# ethernet wan
router.interfaces.wan = {
dependentServices = [
{ service = "wireguard-wg0"; inNetns = false; }
systemdLink.linkConfig.MACAddressPolicy = "none";
systemdLink.linkConfig.MACAddress = cfg.routerMac;
dhcpcd = {
enable = true;
# technically this should be assigned to br0 instead of veth-wan-b
# however, br0 is in a different namespace!
# Considering this doesn't work at all because my ISP doesn't offer IPv6,
# I'd say this is "good enough" since it might still work in the wan
# namespace, though I can't test it.
extraConfig = ''
interface wan
ia_na 0
ia_pd 1 veth-wan-b/0
networkNamespace = "wan";
# disable default firewall as it uses iptables
# (and we have our own firewall)
networking.firewall.enable = false;
# br0, which bridges all lan devices
# this is "the" lan device
router.interfaces.br0 = {
dependentServices = [ { service = "unbound"; bindType = "wants"; } ];
ipv4.addresses = lib.toList (netParsedCidrs.lan4 // {
dns = [ netAddresses.lan4 ];
keaSettings.reservations = map (res: {
hw-address = res.macAddress;
ip-address = res.ipAddress;
}) cfg.dhcpReservations;
ipv6.addresses = lib.toList (netParsedCidrs.lan6 // {
dns = [ netAddresses.lan6 ];
gateways = [ netAddresses.lan6 ];
radvdSettings.AdvAutonomous = true;
coreradSettings.autonomous = true;
# don't autoallocate addresses, keep autonomous ones
keaSettings.pools = [ ];
# just assign the reservations
keaSettings.reservations = map (res: {
hw-address = res.macAddress;
ip-addresses = [ res.ipAddress ];
}) cfg.dhcp6Reservations;
ipv4.routes = [
{ extraArgs = [ netCidrs.lan4 "dev" "br0" "proto" "kernel" "scope" "link" "src" netAddresses.lan4 "table" wan_table ]; }
ipv6.routes = [
{ extraArgs = [ netCidrs.lan6 "dev" "br0" "proto" "kernel" "metric" "256" "pref" "medium" "table" wan_table ]; }
ipv4.kea.enable = true;
ipv6.corerad.enable = true;
ipv6.kea.enable = true;
router.networkNamespaces.default = {
# set routing table depending on packet mark
rules = [
{ ipv6 = false; extraArgs = [ "fwmark" wan_table "table" wan_table ]; }
{ ipv6 = true; extraArgs = [ "fwmark" wan_table "table" wan_table ]; }
# below is dnat config
] ++ builtins.concatLists (map (rule: let
table = if rule.inVpn then 0 else wan_table;
forEachPort = func: port:
if builtins.isInt port then [ (func port) ]
else if port?set then builtins.concatLists (map (forEachPort func) port.set)
else if port?range.min then let inherit (port.range) min max; in [ (func "${toString min}-${toString max}") ]
else if port?range then let max = builtins.elemAt port.range 1; min = builtins.head port.range; in [ (func "${toString min}-${toString max}" ) ]
else throw "Unsupported expr: ${builtins.toJSON port}";
gen = len: proto: tgt:
(port: [ "from" "${tgt.address}/${toString len}" "ipproto" proto "sport" port "table" table ])
(if tgt.port == null then rule.port else tgt.port);
in lib.optionals (rule.tcp && rule.target4 != null) (map (x: { ipv6 = false; extraArgs = x; }) (gen 32 "tcp" rule.target4))
++ lib.optionals (rule.udp && rule.target4 != null) (map (x: { ipv6 = false; extraArgs = x; }) (gen 32 "udp" rule.target4))
++ lib.optionals (rule.tcp && rule.target6 != null) (map (x: { ipv6 = true; extraArgs = x; }) (gen 128 "tcp" rule.target6))
++ lib.optionals (rule.udp && rule.target6 != null) (map (x: { ipv6 = true; extraArgs = x; }) (gen 128 "udp" rule.target6))
) (builtins.filter (x: (x.tcp || x.udp) && dnatRuleMode x == "rule") cfg.dnatRules));
# nftables rules
# things to note: this has the code for switching between rtables
# otherwise, boring stuff
nftables.jsonRules = mkRules {
selfIp4 = netAddresses.lan4;
selfIp6 = netAddresses.lan6;
lans = [ "br0" ];
wans = [ "wg0" "veth-wan-a" ];
logPrefix = "lan ";
netdevIngressWanRules = with notnft.dsl; with payload; [
# check oif only from vpn
# dont check it from veth-wan-a because of dnat fuckery and because we already check packets coming from wan there
[(is.eq meta.iifname "wg0") (is.eq (fib (f: with f; [ saddr mark iif ]) (f: f.oif)) missing) (log "lan oif missing ") drop]
inetDnatRules =
builtins.concatLists (map
(rule: let
protocols = dnatRuleProtos rule;
rule4 = rule.target4; rule6 = rule.target6;
in with notnft.dsl; with payload;
lib.optionals (rule4 != null) [
[ (is.eq meta.iifname "wg0") (is.eq ip.protocol protocols) (is.eq th.dport rule.port)
(if rule4.port == null then dnat.ip rule4.address else dnat.ip rule4.address rule4.port) ]
] ++ lib.optionals (rule6 != null) [
[ (is.eq meta.iifname "wg0") (is.eq ip6.nexthdr protocols) (is.eq th.dport rule.port)
(if rule6.port == null then dnat.ip6 rule6.address else dnat.ip6 rule6.address rule6.port) ]
(builtins.filter (x: x.inVpn && (x.tcp || x.udp)) cfg.dnatRules));
inetForwardRules = with notnft.dsl; with payload; [
# allow access to lan from the wan namespace
[(is.eq meta.iifname "veth-wan-a") (is.eq meta.oifname "br0") accept]
# allow dnat ("ct status dnat" doesn't work)
inetInboundWanRules = with notnft.dsl; with payload; [
[(is.eq ip.saddr (cidr netCidrs.netns4)) accept]
[(is.eq ip6.saddr (cidr netCidrs.netns6)) accept]
extraInetEntries = with notnft.dsl; with payload; {
block4 = add set { type = f: f.ipv4_addr; flags = f: with f; [ interval ]; } [
(cidr "" 24)
(cidr "" 24)
(cidr "" 24)
(cidr "" 23)
block6 = add set { type = f: f.ipv6_addr; flags = f: with f; [ interval ]; };
# those tables get populated by unbound
force_unvpn4 = add set { type = f: f.ipv4_addr; flags = f: with f; [ interval ]; };
force_unvpn6 = add set { type = f: f.ipv6_addr; flags = f: with f; [ interval ]; };
force_vpn4 = add set { type = f: f.ipv4_addr; flags = f: with f; [ interval ]; };
force_vpn6 = add set { type = f: f.ipv6_addr; flags = f: with f; [ interval ]; };
allow_iot4 = add set { type = f: f.ipv4_addr; flags = f: with f; [ interval ]; };
allow_iot6 = add set { type = f: f.ipv6_addr; flags = f: with f; [ interval ]; };
# TODO: is type=route hook=output better? It might help get rid of the routing inconsistency
# between router-originated and forwarded traffic. The problem is type=route isn't supported
# for family=inet, so I don't care enough to test it right now.
prerouting = add chain { type = f: f.filter; hook = f: f.prerouting; prio = f: f.filter; policy = f: f.accept; } ([
[(mangle meta.mark ct.mark)]
[( meta.mark 0) accept]
# ban requests to/from block4/block6
# (might as well do this in ingress but i'm lazy)
[(is.eq ip.daddr "@block4") (log "block4 ") drop]
[(is.eq ip6.daddr "@block6") (log "block6 ") drop]
[(is.eq ip.saddr "@block4") (log "block4/s ") drop]
[(is.eq ip6.saddr "@block6") (log "block6/s ") drop]
# default to vpn...
[(mangle meta.mark vpn_table)]
# ...but unvpn traffic to/from force_unvpn4/force_unvpn6
[(is.eq ip.daddr "@force_unvpn4") (mangle meta.mark wan_table)]
[(is.eq ip6.daddr "@force_unvpn6") (mangle meta.mark wan_table)]
[(is.eq ip.saddr "@force_unvpn4") (mangle meta.mark wan_table)]
[(is.eq ip6.saddr "@force_unvpn6") (mangle meta.mark wan_table)]
# force vpn to/from force_vpn4/force_vpn6 even if we previously decided to unvpn this connection
[(is.eq ip.daddr "@force_vpn4") (mangle meta.mark vpn_table)]
[(is.eq ip6.daddr "@force_vpn6") (mangle meta.mark vpn_table)]
[(is.eq ip.saddr "@force_vpn4") (mangle meta.mark vpn_table)]
[(is.eq ip6.saddr "@force_vpn6") (mangle meta.mark vpn_table)]
# block requests to port 25 from hosts other than the server so they can't send mail pretending to originate from my domain
# only do this for br0 since traffic from other interfaces isn't forwarded to wan
[(is.eq meta.iifname "br0") ( ether.saddr cfg.serverMac) (is.eq meta.l4proto (f: f.tcp)) (is.eq tcp.dport 25) (log "smtp ") drop]
# don't vpn smtp requests so spf works fine (and in case the vpn blocks requests over port 25, which it usually does)
[(is.eq meta.l4proto (f: f.tcp)) (is.eq tcp.dport 25) (mangle meta.mark wan_table)]
] ++ # 1. dnat non-vpn: change rttable to wan
builtins.concatLists (map
(rule: let
protocols = dnatRuleProtos rule;
rule4 = rule.target4; rule6 = rule.target6;
in with notnft.dsl; with payload;
lib.optionals (rule4 != null) [
[ (is.eq meta.iifname "br0") (is.eq ip.protocol protocols) (is.eq ip.saddr rule4.address)
(is.eq (if rule4.port != null then rule4.port else rule.port)) (mangle meta.mark wan_table) ]
] ++ lib.optionals (rule6 != null) [
[ (is.eq meta.iifname "br0") (is.eq ip6.nexthdr protocols) (is.eq ip6.saddr rule6.address)
(is.eq (if rule6.port != null then rule6.port else rule.port)) (mangle meta.mark wan_table) ]
(builtins.filter (x: !x.inVpn && (x.tcp || x.udp) && dnatRuleMode x == "mark") cfg.dnatRules))
++ # 2. dnat vpn: change rttable to vpn
builtins.concatLists (map
(rule: let
protocols = dnatRuleProtos rule;
rule4 = rule.target4; rule6 = rule.target6;
in with notnft.dsl; with payload;
lib.optionals (rule4 != null) [
[ (is.eq meta.iifname "br0") (is.eq ip.protocol protocols) (is.eq ip.saddr rule4.address)
(is.eq (if rule4.port != null then rule4.port else rule.port)) (mangle meta.mark vpn_table) ]
] ++ lib.optionals (rule6 != null) [
[ (is.eq meta.iifname "br0") (is.eq ip6.nexthdr protocols) (is.eq ip6.saddr rule6.address)
(is.eq (if rule6.port != null then rule6.port else rule.port)) (mangle meta.mark vpn_table) ]
(builtins.filter (x: x.inVpn && (x.tcp || x.udp) && dnatRuleMode x == "mark") cfg.dnatRules))
++ [
# for the robot vacuum, only allow traffic to/from allow_iot4/allow_iot6
[(is.eq ether.saddr cfg.vacuumMac) ( ip.daddr (cidr netCidrs.lan4)) ( ip.daddr "@allow_iot4") (log "iot4 ") drop]
[(is.eq ether.saddr cfg.vacuumMac) ( ip6.daddr (cidr netCidrs.lan6)) ( ip6.daddr "@allow_iot6") (log "iot6 ") drop]
[(is.eq ether.daddr cfg.vacuumMac) ( ip.saddr (cidr netCidrs.lan4)) ( ip.saddr "@allow_iot4") (log "iot4/d ") drop]
[(is.eq ether.daddr cfg.vacuumMac) ( ip6.saddr (cidr netCidrs.lan6)) ( ip6.saddr "@allow_iot6") (log "iot6/d ") drop]
# MSS clamping - since VPN reduces max MTU
# We only do this for the first packet in a connection, which should be enough
[(is.eq meta.iifname "br0") (is.eq meta.nfproto (f: f.ipv4)) (is.eq meta.mark vpn_table)
( tcpOpt.maxseg.size vpn_ipv4_mss) (mangle tcpOpt.maxseg.size vpn_ipv4_mss)]
[(is.eq meta.iifname "br0") (is.eq meta.nfproto (f: f.ipv6)) (is.eq meta.mark vpn_table)
( tcpOpt.maxseg.size vpn_ipv6_mss) (mangle tcpOpt.maxseg.size vpn_ipv6_mss)]
# warn about dns requests to foreign servers
# TODO: check back and see if I should forcefully redirect DNS requests from certain IPs to router
[(is.eq meta.iifname "br0") ( ip.daddr (netAddresses.lan4)) (is.eq ip.protocol (f: set [ f.tcp f.udp ]))
(is.eq th.dport (set [ 53 853 ])) (log "dns4 ")]
[(is.eq meta.iifname "br0") ( ip6.daddr (netAddresses.lan6)) (is.eq ip6.nexthdr (f: set [ f.tcp f.udp ]))
(is.eq th.dport (set [ 53 853 ])) (log "dns6 ")]
# finally, preserve the mark via conntrack
[(mangle ct.mark meta.mark)]
# veths are virtual ethernet cables
# veth-wan-a - located in the default namespace
# veth-wan-b - located in the wan namespace
# this allows routing traffic to wan namespace from default namespace via veth-wan-a
# (and vice versa)
router.veths.veth-wan-a.peerName = "veth-wan-b";
router.interfaces.veth-wan-a = {
ipv4.addresses = [ netParsedCidrs.netns4 ];
ipv6.addresses = [ netParsedCidrs.netns6 ];
ipv4.routes = [
# default config duplicated for wan_table
{ extraArgs = [ netCidrs.netns4 "dev" "veth-wan-a" "proto" "kernel" "scope" "link" "src" netAddresses.netns4 "table" wan_table ]; }
# default all traffic to wan in wan_table
{ extraArgs = [ "default" "via" netAddresses.netnsWan4 "table" wan_table ]; }
ipv6.routes = [
# default config duplicated for wan_table
{ extraArgs = [ netCidrs.netns6 "dev" "veth-wan-a" "proto" "kernel" "metric" "256" "pref" "medium" "table" wan_table ]; }
# default all traffic to wan in wan_table
{ extraArgs = [ "default" "via" netAddresses.netnsWan6 "table" wan_table ]; }
router.interfaces.veth-wan-b = {
networkNamespace = "wan";
ipv4.addresses = [ {
address = netAddresses.netnsWan4;
inherit (netParsedCidrs.netns4) prefixLength;
} ];
ipv6.addresses = [ {
address = netAddresses.netnsWan6;
inherit (netParsedCidrs.netns6) prefixLength;
} ];
# allow wan->default namespace communication
ipv4.routes = [
{ extraArgs = [ netCidrs.lan4 "via" netAddresses.netns4 ]; }
ipv6.routes = [
{ extraArgs = [ netCidrs.lan6 "via" netAddresses.netns6 ]; }
router.networkNamespaces.wan = {
# this is the even more boring nftables config
nftables.jsonRules = mkRules {
selfIp4 = netAddresses.netnsWan4;
selfIp6 = netAddresses.netnsWan6;
lans = [ "veth-wan-b" ];
wans = [ "wan" ];
netdevIngressWanRules = with notnft.dsl; with payload; [
[(is.eq (fib (f: with f; [ saddr mark iif ]) (f: f.oif)) missing) (log "wan oif missing ") drop]
inetDnatRules =
builtins.concatLists (map
(rule: let
protocols = dnatRuleProtos rule;
rule4 = rule.target4; rule6 = rule.target6;
in with notnft.dsl; with payload;
lib.optionals (rule4 != null) [
[ (is.eq meta.iifname "wan") (is.eq ip.protocol protocols) (is.eq th.dport rule.port)
(if rule4.port == null then dnat.ip rule4.address else dnat.ip rule4.address rule4.port) ]
] ++ lib.optionals (rule6 != null) [
[ (is.eq meta.iifname "wan") (is.eq ip6.nexthdr protocols) (is.eq th.dport rule.port)
(if rule6.port == null then dnat.ip6 rule6.address else dnat.ip6 rule6.address rule6.port) ]
(builtins.filter (x: !x.inVpn && (x.tcp || x.udp)) cfg.dnatRules));
inetSnatRules =
# historically, i needed this, now i switched to ip rules
# if i ever need this again, i have it right here
builtins.concatLists (map
(rule: let
protocols = dnatRuleProtos rule;
rule4 = rule.target4; rule6 = rule.target6;
in with notnft.dsl; with payload;
lib.optionals (rule4 != null) [
[ (is.eq meta.iifname "wan") (is.eq meta.oifname "veth-wan-b") (is.eq ip.protocol protocols)
(is.eq th.dport (if rule4.port != null then rule4.port else rule.port)) (is.eq ip.daddr rule4.address) masquerade ]
] ++ lib.optionals (rule6 != null) [
[ (is.eq meta.iifname "wan") (is.eq meta.oifname "veth-wan-b") (is.eq ip6.nexthdr protocols)
(is.eq th.dport (if rule6.port != null then rule6.port else rule.port)) (is.eq ip6.daddr rule6.address) masquerade ]
(builtins.filter (x: !x.inVpn && (x.tcp || x.udp) && dnatRuleMode x == "snat") cfg.dnatRules));
logPrefix = "wan ";
inetInboundWanRules = with notnft.dsl; with payload; [
[(is.eq meta.nfproto (x: x.ipv4)) (is.eq udp.dport 68) accept]
[(is.eq meta.nfproto (x: x.ipv6)) (is.eq udp.dport 546) accept]
# igmp, used for setting up multicast groups
[(is.eq ip.protocol (f: f.igmp)) accept]
# accept router solicitation stuff
[(is.eq ip6.nexthdr (f: f.ipv6-icmp)) (is.eq icmpv6.type (f: with f; set [ nd-router-solicit nd-router-advert ])) accept]
# accept neighbor solicitation stuff
[(is.eq ip6.nexthdr (f: f.ipv6-icmp)) (is.eq icmpv6.code (f:
(is.eq icmpv6.type (f: with f; set [ nd-neighbor-solicit nd-neighbor-advert ]))
[(is.eq tcp.dport 23) accept]
# vpn socket is in wan namespace, meaning traffic gets sent through the wan namespace
# vpn interface is in default namespace, meaning it can be used in the default namespace
networking.wireguard.interfaces.wg0 = cfg.wireguard // {
socketNamespace = "wan";
interfaceNamespace = "init";
# use main netns's address instead of
# this ensures all network namespaces can access it
networking.resolvconf.extraConfig = ''
name_servers="${netAddresses.netns4} ${netAddresses.netns6}"
users.users.${config.common.mainUsername}.extraGroups = [ ];
services.unbound = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.unbound-with-systemd.override {
stdenv = pkgs.ccacheStdenv;
withPythonModule = true;
python = pkgs.python3;
localControlSocketPath = "/run/unbound/unbound.ctl";
# we override resolvconf above manually
resolveLocalQueries = false;
settings = {
server = rec {
interface = [ netAddresses.netns4 netAddresses.netns6 netAddresses.lan4 netAddresses.lan6 ];
access-control = [ "${netCidrs.netns4} allow" "${netCidrs.netns6} allow" "${netCidrs.lan4} allow" "${netCidrs.lan6} allow" ];
aggressive-nsec = true;
do-ip6 = true;
module-config = ''"validator python iterator"'';
local-zone = [
# incompatible with avahi resolver
# ''"local." static''
''"${server-config.server.domainName}." typetransparent''
local-data = builtins.concatLists (map (domain:
''"${domain}. A ${serverAddress4}"''
''"${domain}. AAAA ${serverAddress6}"''
]) hosted-domains);
# incompatible with avahi resolver
# ++ [
# ''"retracker.local. A ${netAddresses.lan4}"''
# ''"retracker.local. AAAA ${netAddresses.lan6}"''
# ];
# performance tuning
num-threads = 4; # cpu core count
msg-cache-slabs = 4; # nearest power of 2 to num-threads
rrset-cache-slabs = msg-cache-slabs;
infra-cache-slabs = msg-cache-slabs;
key-cache-slabs = msg-cache-slabs;
so-reuseport = true;
msg-cache-size = "50m"; # (default 4m)
rrset-cache-size = "100m"; # msg*2 (default 4m)
# timeouts
unknown-server-time-limit = 752; # default=376
# normally it would refer to the flake path, but then the service changes on every flake update
# instead, write a new file in nix store
python.python-script = builtins.toFile "" (builtins.readFile ./;
remote-control.control-enable = true;
environment.etc."unbound/iot_ips.json".text = builtins.toJSON [
# local multicast
environment.etc."unbound/iot_domains.json".text = builtins.toJSON [
# ntp time sync
# valetudo update check
"" "" "*"
networking.hosts."${serverAddress4}" = hosted-domains;
networking.hosts."${serverAddress6}" = hosted-domains; = lib.mkIf {
environment.PYTHONPATH = let
unbound-python = pkgs.python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ pydbus dnspython requests pytricia nftables ]);
environment.MDNS_ACCEPT_NAMES = "^(.*\\.)?local\\.$";
# resolve retracker.local to whatever router.local resolves to
# we can't add a local zone alongside using avahi resolver, so we have to use hacks like this
environment.DOMAIN_NAME_OVERRIDES = "retracker.local->router.local";
# load vpn_domains.json and vpn_ips.json, as well as unvpn_domains.json and unvpn_ips.json
# resolve domains and append it to ips and add it to the nftables sets
# TODO: allow changing family/table name
environment.NFT_QUERIES = "vpn:force_vpn4,force_vpn6;unvpn!:force_unvpn4,force_unvpn6;iot:allow_iot4,allow_iot6";
serviceConfig.EnvironmentFile = "/secrets/unbound_env";
# it needs to run after nftables has been set up because it sets up the sets
after = [ "nftables-default.service" "avahi-daemon.service" ];
wants = [ "nftables-default.service" "avahi-daemon.service" ];
# allow it to call nft
serviceConfig.AmbientCapabilities = [ "CAP_NET_ADMIN" ];
}; = {
# fetch vpn_ips.json and vpn_domains.json for unbound
script = ''
BLACKLIST=$(${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mktemp) || exit 1
${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl "" -o "$BLACKLIST" || exit 1
${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq ".[0:0]" "$BLACKLIST" && chown unbound:unbound "$BLACKLIST" && mv "$BLACKLIST" /var/lib/unbound/vpn_ips.json
${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl "" -o "$BLACKLIST" || exit 1
${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq ".[0:0]" "$BLACKLIST" && chown unbound:unbound "$BLACKLIST" && mv "$BLACKLIST" /var/lib/unbound/vpn_domains.json
serviceConfig = {
Type = "oneshot";
systemd.timers.update-rkn-blacklist = {
wantedBy = [ "" ];
partOf = [ "update-rkn-blacklist.service" ];
# slightly unusual time to reduce server load
timerConfig.OnCalendar = [ "*-*-* 00:00:00" ]; # every day
timerConfig.RandomizedDelaySec = 43200; # execute at random time in the first 12 hours
# run an extra sshd so we can connect even if forwarding/routing between namespaces breaks
# (use port 23 because 22 is forwarded to the server) = {
description = "SSH Daemon (WAN)";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "" "netns-wan.service" ];
bindsTo = [ "netns-wan.service" ];
stopIfChanged = false;
path = with pkgs; [ gawk config.programs.ssh.package ];
environment.LD_LIBRARY_PATH = config.system.nssModules.path;
restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."ssh/sshd_config".source ];
preStart =;
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${config.programs.ssh.package}/bin/sshd -D -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config -p 23";
KillMode = "process";
Restart = "always";
Type = "simple";
NetworkNamespacePath = "/var/run/netns/wan";
services.printing = {
enable = true;
allowFrom = [ "localhost" netCidrs.lan4 netCidrs.lan6 ];
browsing = true;
clientConf = ''
ServerName router.local
defaultShared = true;
drivers = [ pkgs.hplip ];
startWhenNeeded = false;
# share printers (and allow unbound to resolve .local)
services.avahi = {
enable = true;
hostName = "router";
allowInterfaces = [ "br0" ];
publish = {
enable = true;
addresses = true;
domain = true;
userServices = true;
services.iperf3 = {
enable = true;
bind = netAddresses.lan4;
services.opentracker = {
enable = true;
extraOptions = "-i ${netAddresses.lan4} -p 6969 -P 6969 -p 80";
impermanence.directories = [
# for wireguard key
{ directory = /secrets; mode = "0000"; }
# my custom impermanence module doesnt detect it
{ directory = /var/db/dhcpcd; mode = "0755"; }
{ directory = /var/lib/private/kea; mode = "0750"; }