add vim config for minimal systems

(also revert making fish the default shell on non-minimal systems)
This commit is contained in:
chayleaf 2023-08-05 03:10:33 +07:00
parent 9bf71ca13a
commit 5272bf603a

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@ -87,8 +87,23 @@
] ++ lib.optionals cfg.minimal [
# rxvt-unicode-unwrapped.terminfo
programs.vim = lib.mkIf cfg.minimal {
defaultEditor = lib.mkDefault true;
package = pkgs.vim-full.customize {
vimrcConfig.customRC = ''
syntax on
au FileType markdown set colorcolumn=73 textwidth=72
au FileType gitcommit set colorcolumn=73
au BufReadPre * set foldmethod=syntax
au BufReadPost * folddoc foldopen!
autocmd BufReadPost * if @% !~# '\.git[\/\\]COMMIT_EDITMSG$' && line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g`\"" | endif
vimrcConfig.packages.myVimPackage = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
start = [ vim-sleuth ];
# this is supposed to default to false, but it doesn't because of nixos fish module = lib.mkOverride 999 false;
# and we don't need html files and so on on minimal machines (it's not like I ever use it anyway)
@ -97,7 +112,9 @@
documentation.doc.enable = lib.mkIf cfg.minimal (lib.mkDefault false); = true;
# conflicts with bash module's mkDefault
users.defaultUserShell = lib.mkOverride 999;
# only override on minimal systems because on non-minimal systems
# my fish config doesn't work well in fb/drm console
users.defaultUserShell = lib.mkIf cfg.minimal (lib.mkOverride 999;
users.users.${cfg.mainUsername} = {
uid = 1000;
isNormalUser = true;