diff --git a/home/common/ghidra-stdcall.patch b/home/common/ghidra-stdcall.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ddb0cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/common/ghidra-stdcall.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+diff --git a/Ghidra/Processors/x86/data/languages/x86gcc.cspec b/Ghidra/Processors/x86/data/languages/x86gcc.cspec
+index 17448cf9..b115b957 100644
+--- a/Ghidra/Processors/x86/data/languages/x86gcc.cspec
++++ b/Ghidra/Processors/x86/data/languages/x86gcc.cspec
+@@ -286,6 +286,40 @@
diff --git a/home/common/nvim/default.nix b/home/common/nvim/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed1c389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/common/nvim/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+ imports = [ ../options.nix ];
+ /*
+ VIM config backup:
+ syntax on
+ au FileType markdown set colorcolumn=73 textwidth=72
+ au FileType gitcommit set colorcolumn=73
+ highlight NormalFloat guibg=NONE
+ au BufReadPre * set foldmethod=syntax
+ au BufReadPost * folddoc foldopen!
+ autocmd BufReadPost * if @% !~# '\.git[\/\\]COMMIT_EDITMSG$' && line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g`\"" | endif
+ */
+ programs.neovim = let
+ # a cursed DSL
+ identLines = lines: builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (x: " ${x}") lines);
+ ident = code: identLines (lib.splitString "\n" code);
+ # probably not the best heuristics, but good enough to make the output readable
+ wrapSafe = s: (builtins.match "^[-\"a-zA-Z0-9_.()]*$" s) != null;
+ wrapExpr = s: if wrapSafe s then s else "(${s})";
+ keySafe = s: (builtins.match "^[a-zA-Z_][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$" s) != null;
+ wrapKey = scope: s: if keySafe s then s else "[${compileExpr scope s}]";
+ compileFunc' = argn: sc@{sname,scope}: id: func:
+ (if builtins.isFunction func
+ then
+ (compileFunc'
+ (argn + 1)
+ sc
+ id
+ (func (let
+ args = builtins.functionArgs func;
+ rawVar = var "${sname}_${id}_arg${builtins.toString (scope + argn)}";
+ in if args == {}
+ then rawVar
+ else builtins.mapAttrs (k: v: prop rawVar k) args
+ )))
+ else ''
+ function ${id}(${builtins.concatStringsSep ", " (builtins.genList (n: "${sname}_${id}_arg${builtins.toString (scope + n)}") argn)})
+ ${ident (compileStmt {inherit sname;scope = scope + argn;} func)}
+ end'');
+ compileFunc = compileFunc' 0;
+ compileExpr = sc: func: (
+ if builtins.isString func then
+ if lib.hasInfix "\n" func then ''
+ [[
+ ${ident func}
+ ]]'' else "\"${lib.escape ["\\" "\""] func}\""
+ else if builtins.isInt func then builtins.toString func
+ else if builtins.isFloat func then builtins.toString func
+ else if builtins.isBool func then (if func then "true" else "false")
+ else if builtins.isNull func then "nil"
+ else if builtins.isPath func then compileExpr sc (builtins.toString func)
+ else if builtins.isFunction func then let
+ info = if builtins.functionArgs func == {} then (func "GET_INFO") else null; in
+ if builtins.isAttrs info && info?value
+ then info.value
+ else (compileFunc sc "" func)
+ else if builtins.isList func then ''
+ {
+ ${ident (builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (x: (compileExpr sc x) + ";" ) func))}
+ }''
+ else if builtins.isAttrs func && !(func?__kind) then ''
+ {
+ ${ident (builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.mapAttrsToList (k: v: "${wrapKey sc k} = ${compileExpr sc v};") func))}
+ }''
+ else if func.__kind == "var" then
+ "${func._name}"
+ else if func.__kind == "op2" then
+ builtins.concatStringsSep func.op (map (x: wrapExpr (compileExpr sc x)) func.args)
+ else if func.__kind == "defun" then
+ (compileFunc sc (if func?id then func.id else "") func.func)
+ else if func.__kind == "prop" then
+ "${wrapExpr (compileExpr sc func.expr)}.${func.name}"
+ else if func.__kind == "call" then
+ "${wrapExpr (compileExpr sc func.func)}(${builtins.concatStringsSep ", " (map (compileExpr sc) (if builtins.isList func.args then func.args else [func.args]))})"
+ else if func.__kind == "mcall" then
+ "${wrapExpr (compileExpr sc func.val)}:${func.name}(${builtins.concatStringsSep ", " (map (compileExpr sc) (if builtins.isList func.args then func.args else [func.args]))})"
+ else if func.__kind == "tableAttr" then
+ "${wrapExpr (compileExpr sc func.table)}[${compileExpr sc func.key}]"
+ else null
+ );
+ compileStmt = sc@{sname,scope}: func: (
+ if builtins.isList func then builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (compileStmt sc) func)
+ else if builtins.isAttrs func && (func?__kind) then (
+ if func.__kind == "assign" then
+ "${compileExpr sc func.expr} = ${compileExpr sc func.val}"
+ else if func.__kind == "bind" then
+ "local ${func.name} = ${compileExpr sc func.val}"
+ else if func.__kind == "let" then ''
+ ${builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.imap0 (n: val:
+ "local ${sname}_var${builtins.toString (scope + n)} = ${
+ compileExpr sc val
+ }") func.vals)}
+ ${let vals = func.vals; origScope = scope; apply = { scope, func }: if scope == (origScope + (builtins.length vals)) then func else apply {
+ scope = scope + 1;
+ func = func (raw "${sname}_var${builtins.toString scope}");
+ }; in
+ compileStmt {inherit sname;scope = scope + (builtins.length func.vals);} (apply { inherit scope; inherit (func) func; })
+ }''
+ else if func.__kind == "letrec" then ''
+ ${builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.imap0 (n: val:
+ "local ${sname}_var${builtins.toString (scope + n)} = ${
+ let vals = func.vals; origScope = scope; apply = { scope, func }: if scope == (origScope + (builtins.length vals)) then func else apply {
+ scope = scope + 1;
+ func = func (raw "${sname}_var${builtins.toString scope}");
+ }; in
+ compileExpr {inherit sname;scope = scope + (builtins.length func.vals);} (apply { inherit scope; func = val; })
+ }") func.vals)}
+ ${let vals = func.vals; origScope = scope; apply = { scope, func }: if scope == (origScope + (builtins.length vals)) then func else apply {
+ scope = scope + 1;
+ func = func (raw "${sname}_var${builtins.toString scope}");
+ }; in
+ compileStmt {inherit sname;scope = scope + (builtins.length func.vals);} (apply { inherit scope; inherit (func) func; })
+ }''
+ else if func.__kind == "for" then let
+ varNames = builtins.genList (n: "${sname}_var${builtins.toString (scope + n)}") func.n;
+ scope' = { inherit sname; scope = scope + 1; };
+ in ''
+ for ${builtins.concatStringsSep "," varNames} in ${compileExpr scope' func.expr} do
+ ${
+ let argn = func.n; origScope = scope; apply = { scope, func }: if scope == (origScope + argn) then func else apply {
+ scope = scope + 1;
+ func = func (raw "${sname}_var${builtins.toString scope}");
+ }; in
+ ident (compileStmt scope' (apply { inherit scope; func = func.body; }))
+ }
+ end''
+ else if func.__kind == "return" then
+ "return ${compileExpr sc func.expr}"
+ else if func.__kind == "if" then
+ (lib.removeSuffix "else" ((builtins.concatStringsSep "" (map
+ (cond: ''
+ if ${compileExpr sc (builtins.elemAt cond 0)} then
+ ${ident (compileStmt sc (builtins.elemAt cond 1))}
+ else'')
+ func.conds))
+ + (if func.fallback != null then "\n${ident (compileStmt sc func.fallback)}\n" else ""))) + "end"
+ else compileExpr sc func
+ ) else compileExpr sc func
+ );
+ compile = sname: compileStmt {inherit sname;scope=1;};
+ var = name: { __kind = "var"; _name = name; };
+ raw = var;
+ prop = expr: name: { __kind = "prop"; inherit expr name; };
+ call = func: args: { __kind = "call"; inherit func args; };
+ mcall = val: name: args: { __kind = "mcall"; inherit val name args; };
+ setup = plugin: opts: call (prop plugin "setup") [ opts ];
+ require = name: call (var "require") [ name ];
+ set = expr: val: { __kind = "assign"; inherit expr val; };
+ op2 = op: args:
+ if builtins.isList args then { __kind = "op2"; inherit op args; }
+ else (secondArg: { __kind = "op2"; inherit op; args = [ args secondArg ]; })
+ ;
+ eq = op2 "==";
+ # forin = n: expr: body: { __kind = "for"; inherit n expr body; };
+ # gt = op2 ">";
+ # ge = op2 ">=";
+ # ne = op2 "~=";
+ # and = op2 "and";
+ # or = op2 "or";
+ return = expr: { __kind = "return"; inherit expr; };
+ defun = func: { __kind = "defun"; inherit func; };
+ ifelse = conds: fallback: { __kind = "if"; inherit fallback; conds = if builtins.isList (builtins.elemAt conds 0) then conds else [conds]; };
+ # ifnoelse = conds: ifelse conds null;
+ tableAttr = table: key: { __kind = "tableAttr"; inherit table key; };
+ bind = vals: func: if builtins.isList vals then { __kind = "let"; inherit vals func; } else bind [ vals ] func;
+ bindrec = vals: func: if builtins.isList vals then { __kind = "letrec"; inherit vals func; } else bindrec [ vals ] func;
+ defs = pkgs.callPackage ./vim-opts.nix { inherit raw call; };
+ in with defs; let
+ # bind' = name: val: { __kind = "bind"; inherit name val; };
+ # vimfn = name: call (raw "vim.fn.${name}");
+ vimcmd = name: call (raw "vim.cmd.${name}");
+ keymapSetSingle = opts@{
+ mode,
+ lhs,
+ rhs,
+ noremap ? true,
+ silent ? true,
+ ...
+ }: let
+ opts''' = opts // { inherit noremap silent; };
+ opts' = lib.filterAttrs (k: v:
+ k != "keys" && k != "mode" && k != "lhs" && k != "rhs" && k != "desc"
+ # defaults to false
+ && ((k != "silent" && k != "noremap") || (builtins.isBool v && v))) opts''';
+ in vim.keymap.set [ mode lhs rhs opts' ];
+ keymapSetMulti = opts@{
+ keys,
+ mode,
+ noremap ? true,
+ silent ? true,
+ ...
+ }: let
+ opts'' = opts // { inherit noremap silent; };
+ opts' = lib.filterAttrs (k: v:
+ k != "keys" && k != "lhs" && k != "rhs" && k != "desc"
+ # defaults to false
+ && ((k != "silent" && k != "noremap") || (builtins.isBool v && v))) opts'';
+ in (lib.mapAttrsToList (k: {rhs, desc}: keymapSetSingle (opts' // {
+ lhs = k; inherit rhs;
+ })) keys) ++ [
+ (call (prop (require "which-key") "register") [(lib.mapAttrs (k: v: [v.rhs v.desc]) keys) opts'])
+ ];
+ keymapSetN = args: keymapSetSingle (args // { mode = "n"; });
+ keymapSetV = args: keymapSetSingle (args // { mode = "v"; });
+ keymapSetNs = args: keymapSetMulti (args // { mode = "n"; });
+ kmSetNs = keys: keymapSetNs { inherit keys; };
+ in {
+ enable = true;
+ defaultEditor = true;
+ package = pkgs.neovim-unwrapped;
+ extraPackages = with pkgs; [
+ rust-analyzer
+ nodePackages_latest.bash-language-server shellcheck
+ nodePackages_latest.typescript-language-server
+ nodePackages_latest.svelte-language-server
+ clang-tools
+ nodePackages_latest.vscode-langservers-extracted
+ nil
+ marksman
+ taplo
+ (python3.withPackages (p: with p; [
+ python-lsp-server
+ pylsp-mypy
+ python-lsp-server.optional-dependencies.pyflakes
+ python-lsp-server.optional-dependencies.mccabe
+ python-lsp-server.optional-dependencies.pycodestyle
+ ]))
+ ];
+ # extraPython3Packages = pyPkgs: with pyPkgs; [
+ # ];
+ extraLuaConfig = (compile "main" [
+ (set vim.g.vimsyn_embed "l")
+ (vim.api.nvim_set_hl [ 0 "NormalFloat" {
+ bg = "NONE";
+ }])
+ (bind (vim.api.nvim_create_augroup [ "nvimrc" { clear = true; } ]) (group:
+ map (au: let au' = lib.filterAttrs (k: v: k != "event") au;
+ in vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd [ au.event ({
+ inherit group;
+ } // au') ]
+ ) [
+ { event = "FileType";
+ pattern = ["markdown" "gitcommit"];
+ callback = defun (set vim.o.colorcolumn 73); }
+ { event = "FileType";
+ pattern = ["markdown"];
+ callback = defun (set vim.o.textwidth 72); }
+ { event = "BufReadPre";
+ inherit group;
+ callback = defun (set vim.o.foldmethod "syntax"); }
+ { event = "BufWinEnter";
+ inherit group;
+ callback = { buf, ... }:
+ (bind (vim.filetype.match { inherit buf; }) (filetype: [
+ (vimcmd "folddoc" [ "foldopen!" ])
+ (ifelse [(eq filetype "gitcommit") [
+ (vim.cmd {
+ cmd = "normal";
+ bang = true;
+ args = [ "gg" ];
+ })
+ ]]
+ (vim.cmd {
+ cmd = "normal";
+ bang = true;
+ args = [ "g`\"" ];
+ })
+ )
+ ])); }
+ ])) # END
+ ]);
+ viAlias = true;
+ vimAlias = true;
+ vimdiffAlias = true;
+ plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; map (x: if x?config && x?plugin then { type = "lua"; } // x else x) [
+ vim-svelte
+ # TODO remove on next nvim update (0.8.3/0.9)
+ vim-nix
+ { plugin = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
+ pname = "vscode-nvim";
+ version = "2023-02-10";
+ src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
+ owner = "Mofiqul";
+ repo = "vscode.nvim";
+ rev = "db9ee339b5556aa832ca58871fd18f9467a18520";
+ sha256 = "sha256-X2IgIjO5NNq7vJdl09hBY1TFqHlsfF1xfllKr4osILI=";
+ };
+ };
+ config = compile "vscode_nvim" (setup (require "vscode") {
+ transparent = true;
+ color_overrides = {
+ vscGray = "#745b5f";
+ vscViolet = "#${config.colors.magenta}";
+ vscBlue = "#6ddfd8";
+ vscDarkBlue = "#${config.colors.blue}";
+ vscGreen = "#${config.colors.green}";
+ vscBlueGreen = "#73bf88";
+ vscLightGreen = "#6acf6e";
+ vscRed = "#${config.colors.red}";
+ vscOrange = "#e89666";
+ vscLightRed = "#e64e4e";
+ vscYellowOrange = "#e8b166";
+ vscYellow = "#${config.colors.yellow}";
+ vscPink = "#cf83c4";
+ };
+ }); }
+ # ''; }
+ { plugin = nvim-web-devicons;
+ config = compile "nvim_web_devicons" (setup (require "nvim-web-devicons") {}); }
+ { plugin = nvim-tree-lua;
+ config = compile "nvim_tree_lua" [
+ (set vim.g.loaded_netrw 1)
+ (set vim.g.loaded_netrwPlugin 1)
+ (set vim.opt.termguicolors true)
+ (setup (require "nvim-tree") {}) # :help nvim-tree-setup
+ (keymapSetN {
+ lhs = "";
+ rhs = prop (require "nvim-tree.api") "tree.toggle";
+ desc = "Toggle NvimTree";
+ })
+ ]; }
+ vim-sleuth
+ luasnip
+ { plugin = nvim-cmp;
+ config = let
+ border = (name: [
+ [ "╭" name ]
+ [ "─" name ]
+ [ "╮" name ]
+ [ "│" name ]
+ [ "╯" name ]
+ [ "─" name ]
+ [ "╰" name ]
+ [ "│" name ]
+ ]);
+ in compile "nvim_cmp" [(bind (require "cmp") (cmp:
+ (setup cmp {
+ snippet = {
+ expand = args: (call (prop (require "luasnip") "lsp_expand") (prop args "body"));
+ };
+ view = { };
+ window = {
+ completion = {
+ border = border "CmpBorder";
+ winhighlight = "Normal:CmpPmenu,CursorLine:PmenuSel,Search:None";
+ };
+ documentation = {
+ border = border "CmpDocBorder";
+ };
+ };
+ formatting = {
+ format = _: vim_item: [
+ (set
+ (prop vim_item "kind")
+ (string.format (let kind = prop vim_item "kind"; in [
+ "%s %s"
+ (tableAttr (require "lspkind") kind)
+ kind
+ ])))
+ (return vim_item)
+ ];
+ };
+ mapping = {
+ "" = call (prop cmp "mapping.select_prev_item") [];
+ "" = call (prop cmp "mapping.select_next_item") [];
+ "" = call (prop cmp "mapping.complete") [];
+ "" = call (prop cmp "mapping.close") [];
+ "" = call (prop cmp "mapping.confirm") {
+ behavior = prop cmp "ConfirmBehavior.Replace";
+ select = false;
+ };
+ "" = call (prop cmp "mapping") [(fallback:
+ (ifelse [
+ [(call (prop cmp "visible") [])
+ # then
+ (call (prop cmp "select_next_item") [])]
+ [(call (prop (require "luasnip") "expand_or_jumpable") [])
+ # then
+ (vim.api.nvim_feedkeys [
+ (vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes [ "luasnip-expand-or-jump" true true true ])
+ ""
+ false
+ ])
+ ]]
+ # else
+ (call fallback [])
+ ))
+ [ "i" "s" ]
+ ];
+ "" = call (prop cmp "mapping") [(fallback:
+ (ifelse [
+ [(call (prop cmp "visible" ) [])
+ # then
+ (call (prop cmp "select_prev_item") [])]
+ [(call (prop (require "luasnip") "jumpable") [ (-1) ])
+ # then
+ (vim.api.nvim_feedkeys [
+ (vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes [ "luasnip-jump-prev" true true true ])
+ ""
+ false
+ ])
+ ]]
+ # else
+ (call fallback [])
+ ))
+ [ "i" "s" ]
+ ];
+ };
+ sources = call (prop cmp "config.sources") [[
+ { name = "nvim_lsp"; }
+ { name = "luasnip"; }
+ ]];
+ })
+ ))]; }
+ lspkind-nvim
+ cmp_luasnip
+ cmp-nvim-lsp
+ { plugin = nvim-autopairs;
+ config = compile "nvim_autopairs" (bind (require "nvim-autopairs.completion.cmp") (cmp_autopairs: [
+ (setup (require "nvim-autopairs") {
+ disable_filetype = [ "TelescopePrompt" "vim" ];
+ })
+ (mcall (prop (require "cmp") "event") "on" [
+ "confirm_done"
+ (call (prop cmp_autopairs "on_confirm_done") [])
+ ])
+ ])); }
+ { plugin = comment-nvim;
+ config = compile "comment_nvim" [
+ (setup (require "Comment") {})
+ (keymapSetN {
+ lhs = "/";
+ rhs = (prop (require "Comment.api") "toggle.linewise.current");
+ desc = "Comment current line";
+ })
+ (keymapSetV {
+ lhs = "/";
+ rhs = "lua require('Comment.api').toggle.linewise(vim.fn.visualmode())";
+ desc = "Comment current line";
+ })
+ ]; }
+ { plugin = nvim-lspconfig;
+ config = compile "nvim_lspconfig" (let setupLsp = lsp: setup (prop (require "lspconfig") lsp); in [
+ # See `:help vim.diagnostic.*` for documentation on any of the below functions
+ (kmSetNs {
+ "e" = {
+ rhs = vim.diagnostic.open_float;
+ desc = "Show diagnostics in a floating window.";
+ };
+ "[d" = {
+ rhs = vim.diagnostic.goto_prev;
+ desc = "Move to the previous diagnostic in the current buffer.";
+ };
+ "]d" = {
+ rhs = vim.diagnostic.goto_next;
+ desc = "Get the next diagnostic closest to the cursor position.";
+ };
+ "q" = {
+ rhs = vim.diagnostic.setloclist;
+ desc = "Add buffer diagnostics to the location list.";
+ };
+ })
+ (bind [
+ # LET on_attach
+ (client: bufnr: ([
+ # Enable completion triggered by
+ (vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option [ bufnr "omnifunc" "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc" ])
+ # Mappings.
+ # See `:help vim.lsp.*` for documentation on any of the below functions
+ (kmSetNs {
+ "gD" = {
+ rhs = vim.lsp.buf.declaration;
+ desc = "Jumps to the declaration of the symbol under the cursor."; };
+ "gd" = {
+ rhs = vim.lsp.buf.definition;
+ desc = "Jumps to the definition of the symbol under the cursor."; };
+ "K" = {
+ rhs = vim.lsp.buf.hover;
+ desc = "Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating window."; };
+ "gi" = {
+ rhs = vim.lsp.buf.implementation;
+ desc = "Lists all the implementations for the symbol under the cursor in the quickfix window."; };
+ "" = {
+ rhs = vim.lsp.buf.signature_help;
+ desc = "Displays signature information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating window."; };
+ "wa" = {
+ rhs = vim.lsp.buf.add_workspace_folder;
+ desc = "Add a folder to the workspace folders."; };
+ "wr" = {
+ rhs = vim.lsp.buf.remove_workspace_folder;
+ desc = "Remove a folder from the workspace folders."; };
+ "wl" = {
+ rhs = (defun (print [
+ (vim.inspect [(vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders [])])
+ ]));
+ desc = "List workspace folders."; };
+ "D" = {
+ rhs = vim.lsp.buf.type_definition;
+ desc = "Jumps to the definition of the type of the symbol under the cursor."; };
+ "rn" = {
+ rhs = vim.lsp.buf.rename;
+ desc = "Rename old_fname to new_fname"; };
+ "ca" = {
+ rhs = vim.lsp.buf.code_action;
+ desc = "Selects a code action available at the current cursor position."; };
+ "gr" = {
+ rhs = vim.lsp.buf.references;
+ desc = "Lists all the references to the symbol under the cursor in the quickfix window."; };
+ "f" = {
+ rhs = (defun (vim.lsp.buf.format {async = true;}));
+ desc = "Formats a buffer."; };
+ })
+ ]))
+ # LET rust_settings
+ { rust-analyzer = {
+ assist.emitMustUse = true;
+ cargo.buildScripts.enable = true;
+ check.command = "clippy";
+ procMacro.enable = true;
+ }; }
+ # LET capabilities
+ (vim.tbl_extend [
+ "keep"
+ (vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities [])
+ (call (prop (require "cmp_nvim_lsp") "default_capabilities") [])
+ ])
+ ] (on_attach: rust_settings: capabilities: [
+ (bindrec
+ # LETREC on_attach_rust
+ (on_attach_rust: client: bufnr: [
+ (vim.api.nvim_create_user_command ["RustAndroid" (opts: [
+ (setupLsp "rust_analyzer" {
+ on_attach = on_attach_rust;
+ inherit capabilities;
+ settings = vim.tbl_deep_extend [
+ "keep"
+ { rust-analyzer.cargo.target = "x86_64-linux-android"; }
+ rust_settings
+ ];
+ })
+ ]) {}])
+ (call on_attach [client bufnr])
+ ])
+ (let lsp = { name, settings ? {} }: setupLsp name {
+ inherit on_attach capabilities settings;
+ }; in (on_attach_rust: [
+ (vim.lsp.set_log_level "debug")
+ ] ++ [
+ (map lsp [
+ # see https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/blob/master/doc/server_configurations.md
+ { name = "bashls"; }
+ { name = "clangd"; }
+ # https://github.com/python-lsp/python-lsp-server/blob/develop/CONFIGURATION.md
+ { name = "pylsp"; settings = {
+ pylsp.plugins.pylsp_mypy.enabled = true;
+ }; }
+ { name = "svelte"; }
+ { name = "html"; }
+ { name = "cssls"; }
+ { name = "tsserver"; }
+ { name = "jsonls"; }
+ { name = "nil_ls"; }
+ { name = "taplo"; }
+ { name = "marksman"; }
+ ])
+ (setupLsp "rust_analyzer" {
+ on_attach = on_attach_rust;
+ settings = rust_settings;
+ inherit capabilities;
+ })
+ ]))) # END
+ ])) # END
+ ]); }
+ { plugin = which-key-nvim;
+ config = compile "which_key_nvim" [
+ (set vim.o.timeout true)
+ (set vim.o.timeoutlen 500)
+ (setup (require "which-key") {})
+ ]; }
+ ];
+ };
diff --git a/home/common/nvim/dump_nvim_globals.lua b/home/common/nvim/dump_nvim_globals.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0174369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/common/nvim/dump_nvim_globals.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+-- globals.lua
+-- list all global variables
+-- :enew|pu=execute('luafile /path/to/file.lua')
+-- list vim vars
+-- :new | put! =getcompletion('*', 'var')
+-- list events
+-- :new | put! =getcompletion('*', 'event')
+-- list options
+-- :new | put! =getcompletion('*', 'option')
+local seen={}
+function dump(t,i)
+ seen[t]=true
+ local s={}
+ local n=0
+ for k in pairs(t) do
+ n=n+1 s[n]=k
+ end
+ local p0 = "package.loaded."
+ local i1 = (i:sub(0, #p0) == p0) and i:sub(#p0+1) or i
+ local p1 = "package.preload."
+ local i2 = (i1:sub(0, #p1) == p1) and i1:sub(#p1+1) or i1
+ for k,v in ipairs(s) do
+ local v0=t[v]
+ if type(v0)=="table" and not seen[v0] then
+ dump(v0,i1..v..".")
+ elseif v ~= "vim._meta" and v ~= "vim._init_packages" and v ~= "table.clear" and v ~= "table.new" and type(v0) == "function" and i:sub(0, #p1) == p1 then
+ dump(v0(),i2..v..".")
+ elseif type(v0) == "function" then
+ print("function/"..debug.getinfo(v0).nparams.."/"..i..v)
+ elseif type(v0) ~= "table" then
+ print(type(v0).."/"..i..v)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/home/common/nvim/vim-events.txt b/home/common/nvim/vim-events.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0b3e55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/common/nvim/vim-events.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
diff --git a/home/common/nvim/vim-lua.txt b/home/common/nvim/vim-lua.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2209b1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/common/nvim/vim-lua.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9161 @@
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+string/which-key.keys.mappings.n.tree.root.children. .children.r.children.n.mapping.mode
+string/which-key.keys.mappings.n.tree.root.children. .children.r.children.n.mapping.prefix
+string/which-key.keys.mappings.n.tree.root.children. .children.r.children.n.mapping.desc
+string/which-key.keys.mappings.n.tree.root.children. .children.r.children.n.mapping.id
+string/which-key.keys.mappings.n.tree.root.children. .children.r.children.n.mapping.label
+boolean/which-key.keys.mappings.n.tree.root.children. .children.r.children.n.mapping.opts.silent
+string/which-key.keys.mappings.n.tree.root.children. .children.r.children.n.mapping.opts.desc
+function/2/which-key.keys.mappings.n.tree.root.children. .children.r.children.n.mapping.opts.callback
+boolean/which-key.keys.mappings.n.tree.root.children. .children.r.children.n.mapping.opts.noremap
+string/which-key.keys.mappings.n.tree.root.children. .children.r.children.n.mapping.cmd
+string/which-key.keys.mappings.n.tree.root.children. .children.r.children.n.prefix_i
+string/which-key.keys.mappings.n.tree.root.children. .children.r.prefix_i
+string/which-key.keys.mappings.n.tree.root.children. .prefix_i
+string/which-key.keys.mappings.i.tree.root.children.<80>^D .prefix_n
+string/which-key.keys.mappings.i.tree.root.children.<80>^D .mapping.keys.keys
+string/which-key.keys.mappings.i.tree.root.children.<80>^D .mapping.keys.notation.1
+string/which-key.keys.mappings.i.tree.root.children.<80>^D .mapping.keys.internal.1
+string/which-key.keys.mappings.i.tree.root.children.<80>^D .mapping.desc
+string/which-key.keys.mappings.i.tree.root.children.<80>^D .mapping.prefix
+string/which-key.keys.mappings.i.tree.root.children.<80>^D .mapping.id
+string/which-key.keys.mappings.i.tree.root.children.<80>^D .prefix_i
diff --git a/home/common/nvim/vim-opts.nix b/home/common/nvim/vim-opts.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f2fe3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/common/nvim/vim-opts.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+{ lib, raw, call }: let defs = map (line:
+ if lib.hasPrefix "function/" line then let split = lib.splitString "/" (lib.removePrefix "function/" line); in {
+ type = "function";
+ arity = lib.toInt (builtins.elemAt split 0);
+ value = builtins.elemAt split 1;
+ } else if lib.hasPrefix "string/" line then {
+ type = "string";
+ value = lib.removePrefix "string/" line;
+ } else if lib.hasPrefix "boolean/" line then {
+ type = "boolean";
+ value = lib.removePrefix "boolean/" line;
+ } else if lib.hasPrefix "number/" line then {
+ type = "number";
+ value = lib.removePrefix "number/" line;
+ } else {
+ type = "ignore";
+ value = "____ignore.___ignore";
+ }) (lib.splitString "\n" (builtins.readFile ./vim-lua.txt));
+ process' = val: (
+ if val.type == "function" then (
+ #if val.arity == 0 then
+ args: if args == "GET_INFO" then val else call (raw val.value) args
+ #else if val.arity == 1 then (a: if a == "GET_INFO" then val else call (raw val.value) [a])
+ #else (a: if a == "GET_INFO" then val else call (raw val.value) a)
+ ) else raw val.value
+ );
+ process = val: lib.setAttrByPath (lib.splitString "." val.value) (process' val);
+ processOpt = o: val: lib.setAttrByPath ["vim" o val] (raw "vim.${o}.${val}");
+ processVar = val:
+ if lib.hasPrefix "b:" val then lib.setAttrByPath ["vim" "b" (lib.removePrefix "b:" val)] (raw "vim.b.${val}")
+ else if lib.hasPrefix "v:" val then lib.setAttrByPath ["vim" "v" (lib.removePrefix "v:" val)] (raw "vim.v.${val}")
+ else if lib.hasPrefix "w:" val then lib.setAttrByPath ["vim" "w" (lib.removePrefix "w:" val)] (raw "vim.w.${val}")
+ else if lib.hasPrefix "t:" val then lib.setAttrByPath ["vim" "t" (lib.removePrefix "t:" val)] (raw "vim.t.${val}")
+ else if lib.hasPrefix "v:" val then lib.setAttrByPath ["vim" "v" (lib.removePrefix "v:" val)] (raw "vim.v.${val}")
+ else lib.setAttrByPath ["vim" "g" val] (raw "vim.g.${val}");
+ setPath = path: key: val: if builtins.isAttrs val
+ then (builtins.mapAttrs (setPath "${path}${key}.") val) // { __kind = "var"; _name = "${path}${key}"; }
+ else val;
+ opts = (lib.splitString "\n" (builtins.readFile ./vim-opts.txt));
+ vars = (lib.splitString "\n" (builtins.readFile ./vim-vars.txt));
+ zip = x: if x == [] then {} else lib.recursiveUpdate (zip (builtins.tail x)) (builtins.head x);
+ patch = builtins.mapAttrs (k: v: if k == "vim" then v // {
+ inspect = process' {
+ type = "function";
+ arity = 2;
+ value = "vim.inspect";
+ };
+ cmd = process' {
+ type = "function";
+ arity = 1;
+ value = "vim.cmd";
+ };
+ } else v);
+ patch (builtins.mapAttrs (setPath "")
+ (zip (
+ (map process defs)
+ ++ (map process (map (x: x // {value = "vim" + (lib.removePrefix "vim.shared" x.value); }) (builtins.filter ({value,...}: lib.hasPrefix "vim.shared" value) defs)))
+ ++ (map (processOpt "o") opts)
+ ++ (map (processOpt "opt") opts)
+ ++ (map processVar vars)
+ )))
diff --git a/home/common/nvim/vim-opts.txt b/home/common/nvim/vim-opts.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75a5d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/common/nvim/vim-opts.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
diff --git a/home/common/nvim/vim-update.py b/home/common/nvim/vim-update.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a3bd87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/common/nvim/vim-update.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import os, json
+d = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+j = lambda x: os.path.join(d, x)
+x = open(j("vim-lua.txt"),'rt').read().split('\n')
+y = open(j("vim-opts.txt"),'rt').read().split('\n')
+a = {}
+def add(w, k, v):
+ if w.get(k[0]) is None:
+ w[k[0]] = {}
+ if len(k) == 1:
+ w[k[0]] = v
+ else:
+ add(w[k[0]], k[1:], v)
+for w in x:
+ if w:
+ if w.startswith('function/'):
+ t, ar, n = w.split('/')
+ add(a, {'type'})
+ else:
+ t, n = w.split('/')
diff --git a/home/common/nvim/vim-vars.txt b/home/common/nvim/vim-vars.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..789009c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/common/nvim/vim-vars.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
diff --git a/home/common/vim.nix b/home/common/vim.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 6da32bc..0000000
--- a/home/common/vim.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-{ config, pkgs, ... }:
- imports = [ ./options.nix ];
- programs.neovim = {
- enable = true;
- defaultEditor = true;
- package = pkgs.neovim-unwrapped;
- extraPackages = with pkgs; [
- rust-analyzer
- nodePackages_latest.bash-language-server shellcheck
- nodePackages_latest.typescript-language-server
- nodePackages_latest.svelte-language-server
- clang-tools
- nodePackages_latest.vscode-langservers-extracted
- nil
- marksman
- taplo
- python3Packages.python-lsp-server
- ];
- # extraPython3Packages = pyPkgs: with pyPkgs; [ python-lsp-server ];
- extraConfig = ''
- syntax on
- au FileType markdown set colorcolumn=73 textwidth=72
- au FileType gitcommit set colorcolumn=73
- highlight NormalFloat guibg=NONE
- au BufReadPre * set foldmethod=syntax
- au BufReadPost * folddoc foldopen!
- autocmd BufReadPost * if @% !~# '\.git[\/\\]COMMIT_EDITMSG$' && line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g`\"" | endif
- '';
- viAlias = true;
- vimAlias = true;
- vimdiffAlias = true;
- plugins =
- let lua = (s: ''
- lua << EOF
- ${s}
- '');
- in with pkgs.vimPlugins; [
- vim-svelte
- # TODO remove on next nvim update (0.8.3/0.9)
- vim-nix
- { plugin = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPluginFrom2Nix {
- pname = "vscode-nvim";
- version = "2023-02-10";
- src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
- owner = "Mofiqul";
- repo = "vscode.nvim";
- rev = "db9ee339b5556aa832ca58871fd18f9467a18520";
- sha256 = "sha256-X2IgIjO5NNq7vJdl09hBY1TFqHlsfF1xfllKr4osILI=";
- };
- };
- config = lua ''
- require("vscode").setup({
- transparent = true,
- color_overrides = {
- vscGray = "#745b5f",
- vscViolet = "#${config.colors.magenta}",
- vscBlue = "#6ddfd8",
- vscDarkBlue = "#${config.colors.blue}",
- vscGreen = "#${config.colors.green}",
- vscBlueGreen = "#73bf88",
- vscLightGreen = "#6acf6e",
- vscRed = "#${config.colors.red}",
- vscOrange = "#e89666",
- vscLightRed = "#e64e4e",
- vscYellowOrange = "#e8b166",
- vscYellow = "#${config.colors.yellow}",
- vscPink = "#cf83c4",
- },
- })
- ''; }
- { plugin = nvim-web-devicons;
- config = lua ''
- require'nvim-web-devicons'.setup {
- }
- ''; }
- { plugin = nvim-tree-lua;
- config = lua ''
- vim.g.loaded_netrw = 1
- vim.g.loaded_netrwPlugin = 1
- vim.opt.termguicolors = true
- require("nvim-tree").setup({
- -- :help nvim-tree-setup
- })
- local opts = { noremap=true, silent=true }
- vim.keymap.set('n', '', require("nvim-tree.api").tree.toggle, opts)
- require("which-key").register({[''] = {
- require("nvim-tree.api").tree.toggle, 'Toggle NvimTree'
- }}, {mode='n', noremap=true, silent=true})
- ''; }
- vim-sleuth
- luasnip
- { plugin = nvim-cmp;
- config = lua ''
- local cmp = require('cmp')
- local function border(hl_name)
- return {
- { "╭", hl_name },
- { "─", hl_name },
- { "╮", hl_name },
- { "│", hl_name },
- { "╯", hl_name },
- { "─", hl_name },
- { "╰", hl_name },
- { "│", hl_name },
- }
- end
- cmp.setup {
- snippet = {
- expand = function(args)
- require('luasnip').lsp_expand(args.body)
- end,
- },
- view = {
- },
- window = {
- completion = {
- border = border "CmpBorder",
- winhighlight = "Normal:CmpPmenu,CursorLine:PmenuSel,Search:None",
- },
- documentation = {
- border = border "CmpDocBorder",
- },
- },
- formatting = {
- format = function(_, vim_item)
- local icons = require("lspkind")
- vim_item.kind = string.format("%s %s", icons[vim_item.kind], vim_item.kind)
- return vim_item
- end,
- },
- mapping = {
- [''] = cmp.mapping.select_prev_item(),
- [''] = cmp.mapping.select_next_item(),
- [''] = cmp.mapping.complete(),
- [''] = cmp.mapping.close(),
- [''] = cmp.mapping.confirm {
- behavior = cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Replace,
- select = false,
- },
- [''] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback)
- if cmp.visible() then
- cmp.select_next_item()
- elseif require("luasnip").expand_or_jumpable() then
- vim.fn.feedkeys(vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes('luasnip-expand-or-jump', true, true, true), "")
- else
- fallback()
- end
- end, {
- "i",
- "s",
- }),
- [''] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback)
- if cmp.visible() then
- cmp.select_prev_item()
- elseif require('luasnip').jumpable(-1) then
- vim.fn.feedkeys(vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes('luasnip-jump-prev', true, true, true), "")
- else
- fallback()
- end
- end, {
- "i",
- "s",
- }),
- },
- sources = cmp.config.sources({
- { name = 'nvim_lsp' },
- { name = 'luasnip' },
- }),
- }
- ''; }
- lspkind-nvim
- cmp_luasnip
- cmp-nvim-lsp
- { plugin = nvim-autopairs;
- config = lua ''
- require('nvim-autopairs').setup({
- disable_filetype = { "TelescopePrompt" , "vim" },
- })
- local cmp_autopairs = require('nvim-autopairs.completion.cmp')
- local cmp = require('cmp')
- cmp.event:on(
- 'confirm_done',
- cmp_autopairs.on_confirm_done()
- )
- ''; }
- { plugin = comment-nvim;
- config = lua ''
- require('Comment').setup()
- local opts = { noremap=true, silent=true }
- vim.keymap.set('n', '/', require("Comment.api").toggle.linewise.current, opts)
- vim.keymap.set('v', '/', "lua require('Comment.api').toggle.linewise(vim.fn.visualmode())", opts)
- require("which-key").register({['/'] = {
- require("Comment.api").toggle.linewise.current, 'Comment current line'
- }}, {mode='n', noremap=true, silent=true})
- require("which-key").register({['/'] = {
- "lua require('Comment.api').toggle.linewise(vim.fn.visualmode())", 'Comment current line'
- }}, {mode='v', noremap=true, silent=true})
- ''; }
- { plugin = nvim-lspconfig;
- config = lua ''
- -- Mappings.
- -- See `:help vim.diagnostic.*` for documentation on any of the below functions
- local opts = { noremap=true, silent=true }
- vim.keymap.set('n', 'e', vim.diagnostic.open_float, opts)
- vim.keymap.set('n', '[d', vim.diagnostic.goto_prev, opts)
- vim.keymap.set('n', ']d', vim.diagnostic.goto_next, opts)
- vim.keymap.set('n', 'q', vim.diagnostic.setloclist, opts)
- require("which-key").register({
- ['e'] = { vim.diagnostic.open_float, 'Show diagnostics in a floating window.' },
- ['[d'] = { vim.diagnostic.goto_prev, 'Move to the previous diagnostic in the current buffer.' },
- [']d'] = { vim.diagnostic.goto_next, 'Get the next diagnostic closest to the cursor position.' },
- ['q'] = { vim.diagnostic.setloclist, 'Add buffer diagnostics to the location list.' },
- }, {mode='n', noremap=true, silent=true})
- -- Use an on_attach function to only map the following keys
- -- after the language server attaches to the current buffer
- local on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
- -- Enable completion triggered by
- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'omnifunc', 'v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc')
- -- Mappings.
- -- See `:help vim.lsp.*` for documentation on any of the below functions
- local bufopts = { noremap=true, silent=true, buffer=bufnr }
- vim.keymap.set('n', 'gD', vim.lsp.buf.declaration, bufopts)
- vim.keymap.set('n', 'gd', vim.lsp.buf.definition, bufopts)
- vim.keymap.set('n', 'K', vim.lsp.buf.hover, bufopts)
- vim.keymap.set('n', 'gi', vim.lsp.buf.implementation, bufopts)
- vim.keymap.set('n', '', vim.lsp.buf.signature_help, bufopts)
- vim.keymap.set('n', 'wa', vim.lsp.buf.add_workspace_folder, bufopts)
- vim.keymap.set('n', 'wr', vim.lsp.buf.remove_workspace_folder, bufopts)
- vim.keymap.set('n', 'wl', function()
- print(vim.inspect(vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders()))
- end, bufopts)
- vim.keymap.set('n', 'D', vim.lsp.buf.type_definition, bufopts)
- vim.keymap.set('n', 'rn', vim.lsp.buf.rename, bufopts)
- vim.keymap.set('n', 'ca', vim.lsp.buf.code_action, bufopts)
- vim.keymap.set('n', 'gr', vim.lsp.buf.references, bufopts)
- vim.keymap.set('n', 'f', function() vim.lsp.buf.format { async = true } end, bufopts)
- require("which-key").register({
- ['gD'] = { vim.lsp.buf.declaration, 'Jumps to the declaration of the symbol under the cursor.' },
- ['gd'] = { vim.lsp.buf.definition, 'Jumps to the definition of the symbol under the cursor.' },
- ['K'] = { vim.lsp.buf.hover, 'Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating window.' },
- ['gi'] = { vim.lsp.buf.implementation, 'Lists all the implementations for the symbol under the cursor in the quickfix window.' },
- [''] = { vim.lsp.buf.signature_help, 'Displays signature information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating window.' },
- ['wa'] = { vim.lsp.buf.add_workspace_folder, 'Add a folder to the workspace folders.' },
- ['wr'] = { vim.lsp.buf.remove_workspace_folder, 'Remove a folder from the workspace folders.' },
- ['wl'] = { function()
- print(vim.inspect(vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders()))
- end, 'List workspace folders.' },
- ['D'] = { vim.lsp.buf.type_definition, 'Jumps to the definition of the type of the symbol under the cursor.' },
- ['rn'] = { vim.lsp.buf.rename, 'Rename old_fname to new_fname' },
- ['ca'] = { vim.lsp.buf.code_action, 'Selects a code action available at the current cursor position.' },
- ['gr'] = { vim.lsp.buf.references, 'Lists all the references to the symbol under the cursor in the quickfix window.' },
- ['f'] = { function()
- vim.lsp.buf.format { async = true }
- end, 'Formats a buffer.' },
- }, {mode='n', noremap=true, silent=true, buffer=bufnr})
- end
- local lsp_flags = {
- -- This is the default in Nvim 0.7+
- debounce_text_changes = 150,
- }
- local capabilities = vim.tbl_extend(
- 'keep',
- vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities(),
- require('cmp_nvim_lsp').default_capabilities()
- );
- -- see https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/blob/master/doc/server_configurations.md
- require'lspconfig'.bashls.setup{
- on_attach = on_attach,
- flags = lsp_flags,
- capabilities = capabilities,
- }
- require'lspconfig'.clangd.setup{
- -- usually requires compile_flags.json
- on_attach = on_attach,
- flags = lsp_flags,
- capabilities = capabilities,
- }
- require'lspconfig'.pylsp.setup{
- -- https://github.com/python-lsp/python-lsp-server/blob/develop/CONFIGURATION.md
- on_attach = on_attach,
- flags = lsp_flags,
- capabilities = capabilities,
- }
- require'lspconfig'.svelte.setup{
- on_attach = on_attach,
- flags = lsp_flags,
- capabilities = capabilities,
- }
- require'lspconfig'.html.setup{
- on_attach = on_attach,
- flags = lsp_flags,
- capabilities = capabilities,
- }
- require'lspconfig'.cssls.setup{
- on_attach = on_attach,
- flags = lsp_flags,
- capabilities = capabilities,
- }
- require'lspconfig'.tsserver.setup{
- on_attach = on_attach,
- flags = lsp_flags,
- capabilities = capabilities,
- }
- require'lspconfig'.jsonls.setup{
- on_attach = on_attach,
- flags = lsp_flags,
- capabilities = capabilities,
- }
- require'lspconfig'.nil_ls.setup{
- on_attach = on_attach,
- flags = lsp_flags,
- capabilities = capabilities,
- }
- require'lspconfig'.taplo.setup{
- on_attach = on_attach,
- flags = lsp_flags,
- capabilities = capabilities,
- }
- require'lspconfig'.marksman.setup{
- on_attach = on_attach,
- flags = lsp_flags,
- capabilities = capabilities,
- }
- require'lspconfig'.rust_analyzer.setup{
- on_attach = on_attach,
- flags = lsp_flags,
- capabilities = capabilities,
- -- Server-specific settings...
- settings = {
- ["rust-analyzer"] = {}
- }
- }
- ''; }
- { plugin = which-key-nvim;
- config = lua ''
- vim.o.timeout = true
- vim.o.timeoutlen = 500
- require("which-key").setup { }
- ''; }
- ];
- };
diff --git a/home/common/waybar.nix b/home/common/waybar.nix
index cbabbd9..faae112 100644
--- a/home/common/waybar.nix
+++ b/home/common/waybar.nix
@@ -116,4 +116,7 @@
style = ./waybar.css;
+ home.packages = with pkgs; [
+ playerctl
+ ];
diff --git a/home/hosts/nixmsi.nix b/home/hosts/nixmsi.nix
index f8d0081..fabccb9 100644
--- a/home/hosts/nixmsi.nix
+++ b/home/hosts/nixmsi.nix
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- ../common/vim.nix
+ ../common/nvim
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@
home.packages = with pkgs; [
+ (ghidra.overrideAttrs (old: {
+ patches = old.patches ++ [ ../common/ghidra-stdcall.patch ];
+ })) cutter
openrgb piper
steam-run steam
osu-lazer-bin taisei
diff --git a/system/hosts/nixmsi.nix b/system/hosts/nixmsi.nix
index 46defe1..b60b63c 100644
--- a/system/hosts/nixmsi.nix
+++ b/system/hosts/nixmsi.nix
@@ -274,6 +274,7 @@ in {
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
+ systemd.services.nix-daemon.serviceConfig.LimitSTACKSoft = "infinity";
documentation.dev.enable = true;