2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
{ config
, lib
, pkgs
2023-12-18 08:48:49 +07:00
, inputs
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
, ... }:
cfg = config.server;
synapseMetricsPort = 8009;
synapseMetricsAddr = "";
collectListeners = names:
(x: "${toString x.port}")
(lib.filterAttrs (k: v: builtins.elem k names && v.enable) config.services.prometheus.exporters));
2023-11-21 04:46:52 +07:00
hplip = pkgs.hplipWithPlugin.override {
withQt5 = false;
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
in {
2023-12-18 08:48:49 +07:00
imports = [ inputs.coop-ofd.nixosModules.default ];
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
# a bunch of services for personal use not intended for the public
2023-08-28 00:46:51 +07:00
# TODO: keycloakify this
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
services.grafana = {
enable = true;
settings = {
"auth.basic".enabled = false;
# nginx login is used so this is fine, hopefully
"auth.anonymous" = {
enabled = true;
# org_role = "Admin";
server.root_url = "https://home.${cfg.domainName}/grafana/";
server.domain = "home.${cfg.domainName}";
server.http_addr = "";
server.protocol = "socket";
security.admin_user = "chayleaf";
security.admin_password = "$__file{/secrets/grafana_password_file}";
security.secret_key = "$__file{/secrets/grafana_key_file}";
services.nginx.upstreams.grafana.servers."unix:/${config.services.grafana.settings.server.socket}" = {};
2023-08-28 00:46:51 +07:00
# services.keycloak.plugins = [ pkgs.keycloak.plugins.keycloak-metrics-spi ];
services.keycloak.settings.metrics-enabled = true;
2023-11-27 00:20:43 +07:00
services.coop-ofd = {
enable = true;
config.listener = "";
2023-11-29 01:50:24 +07:00
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
services.nginx.virtualHosts."home.${cfg.domainName}" = {
quic = true;
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
basicAuthFile = "/secrets/home_password";
extraConfig = ''
satisfy any;
${lib.optionalString (cfg.lanCidrV4 != "") "allow ${cfg.lanCidrV4};"}
${lib.optionalString (cfg.lanCidrV6 != "::/0") "allow ${cfg.lanCidrV6};"}
deny all;
# locations."/.well-known/acme-challenge".extraConfig = "auth_basic off;";
locations."/".root = "/var/www/home.${cfg.domainName}/";
2023-08-24 18:27:05 +07:00
locations."/scan/".proxyPass = "http://${lib.quoteListenAddr config.services.scanservjs.settings.host}:${toString config.services.scanservjs.settings.port}/";
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
locations."/grafana/" = {
proxyPass = "http://grafana/";
proxyWebsockets = true;
locations."/grafana/public/".alias = "${config.services.grafana.settings.server.static_root_path}/";
2023-07-28 12:02:37 +07:00
locations."/printer/" = {
proxyPass = "";
proxyWebsockets = true;
2023-11-27 00:20:43 +07:00
locations."/money/" = {
proxyPass = "http://${config.services.coop-ofd.config.listener}/";
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
services.nginx.virtualHosts."hydra.${cfg.domainName}" = {
quic = true;
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
basicAuthFile = "/secrets/home_password";
extraConfig = ''
satisfy any;
${lib.optionalString (cfg.lanCidrV4 != "") "allow ${cfg.lanCidrV4};"}
${lib.optionalString (cfg.lanCidrV6 != "::/0") "allow ${cfg.lanCidrV6};"}
deny all;
2023-08-04 08:30:16 +07:00
proxy_read_timeout 300;
proxy_connect_timeout 300;
proxy_send_timeout 300;
2023-08-09 23:43:17 +07:00
client_body_timeout 300;
send_timeout 300;
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
locations."/".proxyPass = "http://${lib.quoteListenAddr config.services.hydra.listenHost}:${toString config.services.hydra.port}/";
2023-08-09 23:43:17 +07:00
locations."/static/".root = lib.mkIf config.services.hydra.enable "${config.services.hydra.package}/libexec/hydra/root/";
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
users.users.nginx.extraGroups = [ "grafana" ];
2023-08-09 23:43:17 +07:00
services.harmonia = {
2023-08-04 08:30:16 +07:00
enable = true;
signKeyPath = "/secrets/cache-priv-key.pem";
settings.bind = "[::1]:5000";
2023-08-09 23:43:17 +07:00
2023-11-21 04:46:52 +07:00
nix.settings.allowed-users = [ "nix-serve" "harmonia" ] ++ lib.optionals config.services.hydra.enable [ "hydra" "hydra-www" ];
2023-10-17 20:25:03 +07:00
# make sure only hydra has access to this file
# so normal nix evals don't have access to builtins
2023-12-25 04:13:25 +07:00
nix.settings.extra-builtins-file = "/secrets/nixos/extra-builtins.nix";
2023-07-28 13:19:43 +07:00
nix.settings.allowed-uris = [
2024-01-27 03:57:21 +07:00
# required for home-manager (no idea if it's required at this point)
2023-07-28 13:19:43 +07:00
2024-01-27 03:57:21 +07:00
# ...for the rest of the home config
2023-07-28 14:12:55 +07:00
2024-01-27 03:57:21 +07:00
# required for server (I suppose since nvfetcher uses fetchTarball here...)
2024-03-19 15:30:38 +07:00
2023-10-18 18:47:35 +07:00
# for nginx CF-Connecting-IP config generation
2023-10-18 19:36:18 +07:00
2023-07-28 13:19:43 +07:00
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
services.nginx.virtualHosts."binarycache.${cfg.domainName}" = {
quic = true;
enableACME = true;
2023-08-04 08:30:16 +07:00
forceSSL = true;
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
basicAuthFile = "/secrets/home_password";
2023-08-09 23:43:17 +07:00
locations."/".proxyPass = "http://${config.services.harmonia.settings.bind or "[::1]:5000"}";
2023-08-04 08:30:16 +07:00
locations."/".extraConfig = ''
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
2023-08-09 23:43:17 +07:00
location ~ "^/nar/([a-z0-9]{32})-.*\.narinfo$" {
2023-08-04 08:30:16 +07:00
# zstd on;
# zstd_types application/x-nix-archive;
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
services.hydra = {
2023-10-08 08:24:29 +07:00
enable = true;
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
hydraURL = "home.${cfg.domainName}/hydra";
listenHost = "";
minimumDiskFree = 30;
notificationSender = "noreply@${cfg.domainName}";
# smtpHost = "mail.${cfg.domainName}";
useSubstitutes = true;
2024-01-27 03:57:21 +07:00
# I really don't want to do this... but nix-plugins refuses to work otherwise
# TODO: fix, hopefully
extraConfig = ''
evaluator_pure_eval = 0
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
2023-10-18 21:03:32 +07:00
# boot.binfmt.emulatedSystems = builtins.filter (x: x != pkgs.system) [ "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux" ];
2023-07-28 12:02:37 +07:00
nix.buildMachines = [
2023-07-28 13:19:43 +07:00
# there were some bugs related to not specifying the machine
# not sure they're still there, but it surely won't hurt
2023-07-28 12:02:37 +07:00
hostName = "localhost";
protocol = null;
2023-07-28 13:19:43 +07:00
maxJobs = 8;
2023-10-18 21:03:32 +07:00
supportedFeatures = [ "benchmark" "big-parallel" "ca-derivations" "local" "kvm" "nixos-test" ];
systems = [ "builtin" pkgs.system ];
2023-07-28 12:02:37 +07:00
2023-10-18 19:34:55 +07:00
hostName = cfg.laptopHostname;
2023-10-18 21:03:32 +07:00
maxJobs = 2;
2023-10-18 21:14:46 +07:00
# TODO: switch to ssh-ng https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/issues/688
protocol = "ssh";
2023-10-18 19:34:55 +07:00
systems = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
2023-10-18 21:03:32 +07:00
supportedFeatures = [ "benchmark" "big-parallel" "ca-derivations" "kvm" "nixos-test" ];
2023-10-18 21:14:46 +07:00
# hydra-queue-runner must have read access to this
2023-10-18 19:34:55 +07:00
sshKey = "/secrets/hydra-builder-key";
sshUser = "hydra-builder";
2023-10-18 20:24:52 +07:00
publicHostKey = cfg.laptopPublicKey;
2023-10-18 19:34:55 +07:00
2023-07-28 12:02:37 +07:00
2023-10-18 21:03:32 +07:00
nix.distributedBuilds = true;
2023-11-21 04:46:52 +07:00
# limit CI CPU usage to 30%
# systemd.services.nix-daemon.serviceConfig.CPUQuota = "240%";
systemd.services.nix-daemon.serviceConfig.Nice = "19";
2023-07-29 01:19:56 +07:00
nix.daemonCPUSchedPolicy = "idle";
nix.daemonIOSchedClass = "idle";
2023-08-09 23:43:17 +07:00
systemd.services.hydra-evaluator = lib.mkIf config.services.hydra.enable {
2023-10-18 18:35:41 +07:00
# https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/issues/1186
environment.GC_DONT_GC = "1";
2023-11-21 04:46:52 +07:00
# serviceConfig.CPUQuota = "240%";
2023-08-09 23:43:17 +07:00
serviceConfig.CPUSchedulingPolicy = "idle";
serviceConfig.IOSchedulingClass = "idle";
2023-07-28 12:02:37 +07:00
programs.ccache.enable = true;
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
services.nginx.statusPage = true;
services.gitea.settings.metrics.ENABLED = true;
services.akkoma.config.":prometheus"."Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.MetricsExporter" = {
enabled = true;
auth = [ ((pkgs.formats.elixirConf { }).lib.mkRaw ":basic") "prometheus" {
_secret = "/secrets/akkoma/prometheus_password";
} ];
ip_whitelist = [""];
path = "/api/pleroma/app_metrics";
format = (pkgs.formats.elixirConf { }).lib.mkRaw ":text";
services.prometheus = {
enable = true;
exporters = {
node = {
enable = true;
enabledCollectors = [ "logind" "systemd" ];
2023-07-28 21:56:34 +07:00
listenAddress = "";
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
port = 9101; # cups is 9100
dovecot = {
enable = true;
scopes = [ "user" "global" ];
2023-07-28 21:56:34 +07:00
listenAddress = "";
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
nextcloud = {
enable = true;
url = "https://cloud.${cfg.domainName}";
username = "nextcloud-exporter";
passwordFile = "/secrets/nextcloud_exporter_password";
2023-07-28 21:56:34 +07:00
listenAddress = "";
nginx = {
enable = true;
listenAddress = "";
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
nginxlog = {
enable = true;
group = "nginx";
settings.namespaces = [
name = "comments";
format = "{\"ip\":\"$remote_addr\",\"time\":\"$time_iso8601\",\"referer\":\"$http_referer\",\"body\":\"$request_body\",\"ua\":\"$http_user_agent\"}";
source.files = [ "/var/log/nginx/comments.log" ];
2023-07-28 21:56:34 +07:00
listenAddress = "";
postfix = {
enable = true;
listenAddress = "";
postgres = {
enable = true;
listenAddress = "";
process = {
enable = true;
listenAddress = "";
redis = {
enable = true;
listenAddress = "";
rspamd = {
enable = true;
listenAddress = "";
smartctl = {
enable = true;
listenAddress = "";
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
checkConfig = "syntax-only";
scrapeConfigs = [
job_name = "local_frequent";
scrape_interval = "1m";
static_configs = [ {
targets = collectListeners [
labels.machine = "server";
} ];
job_name = "local_medium_freq";
scrape_interval = "15m";
static_configs = [ {
2023-07-28 12:02:37 +07:00
targets = [ "" "" ];
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
labels.machine = "server";
} ];
job_name = "local_infrequent";
scrape_interval = "1h";
static_configs = [ {
targets = collectListeners [
labels.machine = "server";
} ];
job_name = "gitea";
bearer_token_file = "/secrets/prometheus_bearer";
scrape_interval = "1h";
static_configs = [ {
targets = [ "git.${cfg.domainName}" ];
labels.machine = "server";
} ];
job_name = "router_frequent";
scrape_interval = "1m";
static_configs = [ {
targets = [
2023-12-15 06:03:46 +07:00
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
labels.machine = "router";
} ];
job_name = "router_infrequent";
scrape_interval = "10m";
static_configs = [ {
targets = [
labels.machine = "router";
} ];
job_name = "synapse";
metrics_path = "/_synapse/metrics";
scrape_interval = "15s";
static_configs = [ {
targets = [ "${lib.quoteListenAddr synapseMetricsAddr}:${toString synapseMetricsPort}" ];
labels.machine = "server";
} ];
job_name = "akkoma";
metrics_path = "/api/pleroma/app_metrics";
scrape_interval = "10m";
basic_auth.username = "prometheus";
basic_auth.password_file = "/secrets/akkoma/prometheus_password";
static_configs = [ {
targets = [ "pleroma.${cfg.domainName}" ];
labels.machine = "server";
} ];
services.matrix-synapse.settings = {
enable_metrics = true;
federation_metrics_domains = [ "matrix.org" ];
normally you're supposed to use
- port: 9000
type: metrics
bind_addresses: ['::1', '']
but the NixOS module doesn't allow creating such a listener
listeners = [ {
port = synapseMetricsPort;
bind_addresses = [ synapseMetricsAddr ];
type = "metrics";
tls = false;
resources = [ ];
} ];
# this uses elasticsearch, rip
services.parsedmarc = {
enable = true;
provision = {
localMail = {
enable = true;
hostname = cfg.domainName;
grafana = {
datasource = true;
dashboard = true;
2023-07-28 12:02:37 +07:00
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 631 ];
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
services.printing = {
enable = true;
allowFrom = [ cfg.lanCidrV4 cfg.lanCidrV6 ];
browsing = true;
clientConf = ''
ServerName home.${cfg.domainName}
2023-07-28 12:02:37 +07:00
listenAddresses = [ "*:631" ];
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
defaultShared = true;
2023-11-21 04:46:52 +07:00
drivers = [ hplip ];
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00
startWhenNeeded = false;
services.avahi = {
enable = true;
hostName = "home";
publish.enable = true;
publish.addresses = true;
publish.userServices = true;
2023-08-24 18:27:05 +07:00
hardware.sane = {
enable = true;
2023-11-21 04:46:52 +07:00
extraBackends = [ hplip ];
2023-08-24 18:27:05 +07:00
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfreePredicate = pkg: lib.getName pkg == "hplip";
services.scanservjs.enable = true;
services.scanservjs.settings.host = "";
services.scanservjs.settings.port = 3952;
2023-07-28 09:59:47 +07:00